发布时间:2023-11-27 11:31
时间:2024-08-03 18:22
中文:瑞士是位于欧洲中南部的多山内陆国。东界奥地利、列支敦士登,南邻意大利,西接法国,北连德国。其领土东起东经10°29'26"格劳宾登州的沙瓦拉茨峰,西至东经5°57'24"的日内瓦的尚希镇,最南端位于北纬45°瑞士阿尔卑斯长号49'8",靠近提契诺州的基亚索,最北面在北纬47°48'35",系沙夫豪森州的巴尔根。南北长220.1公里,东西长348.4公里。全境分中南部的阿尔卑斯山脉(占总面积的60%)、西北部的汝拉山脉(占10%)、中部高原(占30%)三个自然地形区。平均海拔约1350米,最高点是接近意大利的杜富尔峰(DUFOUR-PEAK,海拔4634米),最低点是位于提契诺州的马祖尔湖(LAKE MAGGIORE,海拔193米)。瑞士是一个山国,山清水秀。其森林面积达12523平方公里,占全国面积的30.3%。如果再加上农业、绿地面积(10166平方公里,占全国面积24.6%),则全国一半以上的土地被绿地所覆盖。瑞士是欧洲大陆三大河流发源地,有“欧洲水塔”之称。主要河流有:莱茵河(在瑞士境内375公里,是瑞士最大的河流)、阿尔河(在瑞士境内295公里,是瑞士最长的内陆河)、罗纳河(在瑞士境内264公里,是瑞士第二大内陆河)。湖泊共有1484个,其中最大的是莱蒙湖(又名日内瓦湖),面积582平方公里,最深处310米,其它有:康斯坦茨湖、纽沙泰尔湖、马乔雷湖、四州湖、苏黎世湖等。瑞士的河湖面积达1726平方公里,占瑞士全国面积的4.2%。瑞士地处北温带,地域虽小,但各地气候差异很大。阿尔卑斯山由东向西伸展,形成了瑞士气候的分界线。阿尔卑斯山以北受温和潮湿的西欧海洋性气候和冬寒夏热的东欧大陆性气候的交替影响,变化较大;阿尔卑斯山以南则属地中海气候,全年气候宜人。瑞士年降雨量为1500毫米,但各地分布不均。年平均气温为8.6摄氏度。在城市中,夏季气温可达华氏86度(摄氏30度),空气湿度适宜;冬季气温经常低于华氏32度(摄氏0度),时有下雪结冰的现象。
Switzerland lies in many mountain landlocked states of the south in Europe. East circle Austria, Liechtenstein, adjoin Italy in the south, is next to France in the west, connect with Germany in the north. Territory its spend dose to work 29'26" from in the east 10 east longitude the intersection of guest and the intersection of sand and tile of Dengzhou draw the intersection of thatch and peak, spend to wish town still Geneva for 57'24" to in the west 5 east longitude, lie in 49'8" of trombone of Alps, Switzerland of 45 degrees in the north latitude southernmost, ask for close to proposing the base of the covenant state inferiorly, spend 48'35" in the north latitude 47 northernmost, it is root of Barr of the bold state full of trees of the of sand. 220.1 kilometers long from south to north, it is 348.4 kilometers long from east to west. You in Alps ( accounts for 60% of the whole area), the northwestern part of the south draw the mountain range (account for 10%), plateau of middle part (account for 30%) three topographical districts naturally in the whole area is divided.Have an elevation of about 1350 meters equally, the peak is which is close to Italy Du's rich peak (DUFOUR-PEAK, 4634 meters above the sea level), the minimum is lying in to propose the lake (LAKE of Mazu of the covenant state MAGGIORE, 193 meters above the sea level). Switzerland is a mountain country, with green hills and clear waters. His area of woods is up to 12523 sq. km., accounts for 30.3% of the national area. If combine with agriculture, greenery area (10166 sq. km., accounts for 24.6% of national area), then the land of over half of the whole country is covered by the green land. Switzerland is three great river birthplace in Continental Europe, known as European water tower. The main river is as follows, the river (295 kilometers within the territory of Switzerland of Rhine River (375 kilometers within the territory of Switzerland, it is the biggest river in Switzerland), Al, it is the longest continental river of Switzerland), Luo NaHe (264 kilometers within the territory of Switzerland, it is the second largest continental river in Switzerland).Lake have 1484 in all, a old one the intersection of Lemon and lake (have another name called Geneva Lake) most among them, 582 of area, 310 meters of deepest places, others are as follows, Constantz lake, knob sand lake, Joe and Ray Ma the lake, four states the lake, Zurich lake,etc. of Tyre. The lake area of river of Switzerland is up to 1726 sq. km., accounts for 4.2% of national area in Switzerland. Switzerland is located in the north temperate zone, although the region is small, the regional climate is widely different. The Alps is spread from east to west, has formed the line of demarcation of the Swiss climate. And hot the intersection of eastern Europe and continental climate influence alternatively will it be cold summer winter gentle moist the intersection of West European and marine climate to the north of the the Alps, it is relatively great to change; Belong to the Etesian climate to the south of the Alps, the climate is pleasant in the whole year. The Swiss annual rainfall is 1500 millimetres, but regional maldistribution. The average temperature of the whole year is 8.6 ℃.In the city, the temperature can reach 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Centigrade) in summer, the air humidity is suitable; The temperature is often lower than 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Centigrade) in winter, the frozen phenomenon of snowing occasionally.
时间:2024-08-03 18:16
Swiss Geography
The geography of Switzerland is notable for its great diversity. Switzerland’s three main geographical regions are the Jura, Plateau and the Alps.
The geography of Switzerland means that the climate varies greatly from one region to another. Depending on the area and the time of year, Switzerland experiences conditions reminiscent both of Siberia and of the Mediterranean.
Facts and figures
Switzerland has an area of 41,285 square kilometres (15,940 square miles). The productive area - that is, the area without the lakes, rivers, unproductive vegetation and no vegetation at all - covers 30,753 square km (11,870 square miles).
It measures 220 kilometers (137 miles) from north to south and 350 km (217 miles) from east to west.
The Jura, the Plateau and the Alps form the three main geographic regions of the country.
Switzerland has a population of 7.4 million. Population density is high, with 234 people per square km (606 per square mile) of the productive area in 2000. In the agglomerations, which cover about 20% of the total surface area, the density is 590 per square km (1528 per square mile).
瑞士国土总面积为41285平方公里,只占全球面积的千分之1.5。作物可生产地区, 即没有湖泊河流,植被可生产的地区为30753平方公里。
Water sources
Switzerland has 6 per cent of Europe's stock of fresh water. The Rhine, Rhone and Inn all take their source here, although their waters flow into three seas: the North Sea, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.
The Rhine Falls, a few kilometers downstream of Schaffhausen, are the largest in Europe. They are 150 m (450 ft) wide and 25 m (80 ft) high.
In addition, Switzerland has over 1,500 lakes. The two largest, Lakes Geneva and Constance, lie on the border. Lake Geneva is shared with France, and Lake Constance with Germany and Austria. Lake Geneva, which lies on the course of the Rhone, is the largest freshwater lake in central Europe.
Swiss culture
Switzerland boasts a thriving arts scene, with its architects in particular achieving world-wide acclaim.
The culture of Switzerland is characterised by diversity. The Swiss sometimes wonder what keeps Switzerland together.
The wide range of traditional customs is one reflection of this diversity.
The people of Switzerland
Switzerland has a population of about 7.4 million. Foreigners account for around 20% of the resident population. The average age is increasing, as people live longer and have fewer children. Lifestyles are changing as the Swiss adapt to new demands.
Religious belief has declined in recent years, but the religious landscape has diversified.
Switzerland has four unevenly distributed languages and a wealth of dialects.
Language distribution
Switzerland has four national languages, but they vary greatly in the number of speakers.
German is by far the most widely spoken language in Switzerland: 17 of the 26 cantons are monolingual in German.
French is spoken in the western part of the country, the "Suisse Romande." Four cantons are French-speaking: Geneva, Jura, Neuchâtel and Vaud. Three cantons are bilingual: in Bern, Fribourg and Valais both French and German are spoken.
Italian is spoken in Ticino and four southern valleys of Canton Graubünden.
Rhaeto-Rumantsch (Rumantsch)
Rumantsch is spoken in the only trilingual canton, Graubünden. The other two languages spoken there are German and Italian. Rumantsch, like Italian and French, is a language with Latin roots. It is spoken by just 0.5% of the total Swiss population.
Other languages
The many foreigners resident in Switzerland have brought with them their own languages, which taken as a whole now outnumber both Rumantsch and Italian. The 2000 census showed that speakers of Serbian/Croatian were the largest foreign language group, with 1.4% of the population. English was the main language for 1%
瑞士有四种国语, 但每种语言的使用人数非常不同。
瑞士西部地区主要使用法语,在瑞士被称为“Suisse Romande”。瑞士有四个法语州:日内瓦、汝拉、纳沙泰尔及沃州。此外,有三个双语州:伯尔尼、弗里堡及瓦莱州。
Religious landscape
Membership of Christian churches has shrunk in recent years. In a wideranging poll of Swiss attitudes taken in 2000, only 16% of Swiss people said religion was "very important" to them, far below their families, their jobs, sport or culture. Another survey published the same year showed the number of regular church goers had dropped by 10% in 10 years. Among Catholics, 38.5% said they did not go to church, while among Protestants the figure was 50.7%. Only 71% of the total of those asked said they believed in God at all. The demand for church baptisms, weddings and funerals has fallen sharply in the last 30 years. The 2000 census showed that the Roman Catholic and the mainstream Protestant church (the Reformed-Evangelical) had lost in both absolute terms (the number of members) and in relative terms (their share of the total population.)
On the other hand, the smaller offshoots of these two churches were proportionately the same as before. The free evangelical churches accounted for 2.2% of the population; the Christian Catholic church made up 0.2%.
The Jewish community also remained more or less unchanged. Recent immigration has brought members of other faiths to Switzerland, in particular Islam and Orthodox Christianity.
Even if the churches are no longer relevant in many people's lives, both Roman Catholicism and Protestantism have played a key role in shaping modern Switzerland and the way in which Swiss people see themselves.
近年来,基督教成员的数目明显减少。2000年,宗教态度的大范围投票中:只有16%的瑞士人认为宗教是“非常重要”的;但比起家庭,事业,健身及文化,还是差远了。同年的另一项研究表明:经常去教堂的人数在十年中降了十个百分点。38.5%的天主教徒承认没有去教堂;而不去教堂的新教徒占50.7%。在被调查到的两教教徒中,只有71%的人表示相信上帝。 近三十年来,在教堂做洗礼,举行婚礼丧礼的人数越来越少。 2000年的普查表明:罗马天主教及主要新教(革新的传福音者),无论是绝对数目(教堂成员人数),还是相对数目(所占总人口比例)都大幅度地下降。