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英语作文 我最喜欢的明星(写张杰的)

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 22:53



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 01:39

I most like star --张杰 His name is Zhang Jie. he the facial expression is not prominent, the language cell is annihilated frequently, said that the cerebellum is not developed, sometimes lets the person feeling is really a stupid child, is also self-confident a little the narcissism. he may say is ordinary, but is really extraordinary. because he has calls is the sounds of nature sound sufficiently. his sound, is resounding when if Can the sun rises the rosy-colored clouds at dawn, is low and deep when burns like the lotus to leave the green wave. Preceding second he is only stands peacefully in there, latter second he actually uses the singing sound to let you startled is the beauty. that is God gives his gracious gift, unique. I thought that God once smiled was hoping to him, in music world, needs Wang Zhe who your such obtains me to care. his sound is the crane goes against red, the peacock gallbladder, the western region monkshood, does not have the medicine to be possible the medical world wonderful poisonous. Also or that is the kind lets the innumerable people fall into and has no alternative the special evil spirit incantation, as soon as but incarnation sorcerer's he, is only slightly obviously blue astringently smiles, in the look is pure and is innocent. because, he is like this extraordinary. Falls gently this world from his graceful sound to start, the scepter and the royal crown, in the unbearable place, for a very long time the bright light. 我的不错吧

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 01:40

The original dream of - like the mentality of Zhang Jie Like there is no reason why a person is, and if necessary to prove the grounds, then his every move will enable us pulsating.I think, I was in love with you - Zhang Jie. Like your gentle, like your persistence, like your voice.Although I was only a small star in the sky, but I will work hard for you to illuminate the road ahead. Whether or not you will not notice me, and I have been contented.A question was raised today from Zhang Jie like when I say that from the beginning, singing from his AS LONG AS YOU LOVE ME, the man asked, why so long you know him, and he did not red I am speechless. Zhang Jie think they like the mentality of, from the initial to the present feelings. This "dream of the first" three years ago to all those who are the stars, I hope someone can read.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 01:40

楼上不能信 NND 写上去被老是死骂 我英语不好 只能告诉楼主这个 剩下的请高人指点

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 01:41

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