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发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-28 10:58



热心网友 时间:2024-08-20 15:53

"Dunhuang" and "Dunhuang Mogao Caves US's Complete picture" contrastive analysis obtains unprecedented development today in the film and television dissemination technology, emerges one after another incessantly about Dunhuang's film and television work. And "Dunhuang Mogao Caves US's Complete picture" by the Japanese NHK photography, screens in September, 2008, invests the photography after one year CCTV "Dunhuang" attains “the golden panda” the prize, lunar New Year's Day broadcast in 2010 in CCTV. These two documentary film narrative content approximately slightly with, but in the narrative structure and the narrative way, commentary writing as well as picture, lens' aspects and so on utilization exists is certain the difference, this article mainly from these aspect selective analysis "Dunhuang" and "Dunhuang Mogao Caves US's Complete picture" the difference is, thus obtains the different expression means that builds dissimilar effect.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-20 15:54

"Dunhuang"and"beautiful picture of Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes •" A Comparative Analysis
Unprecedented in the development of video communication technologies of today, the film works on an endless stream of Dunhuang. The "beauty of the whole picture of Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes •" taken by the Japanese NHK, released in September 2008, a year later shot CCTV investment "Dunhuang"by the"Gold Panda "Awards, in the CCTV New Year's Day 2010 Broadcast. This is basically the narrative of two documentaries come first, but in the way of narrative structure and narrative, commentary and screen writing, the use of the lens and so there was some difference, this paper analyzed from these areas, "Dunhuang"and"Dunhuang Complete picture of the Mogao Grottoes • United States "where the differences to arrive at the performance of different techniques to create their own are not the same effect.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-20 15:55

The dunhuang "and" beauty of dunhuang mogao grottoes • contrastive analysis of the whole
In film transmission technology are unprecedented development today, the film and television works about dunhuang endlessly. Among them, "of dunhuang mogao grottoes by Japan, beautiful panorama filmed in 2008 NHK, released in September, after a year of the filming of CCTV investment dunhuang" won the "gold panda" awards, the lunar year in 2010 in CCTV broadcasts. The two documentary narrative content, but with roughly slightly in narrative structure and the narrative mode, the commentary of writing and the use of picture, lens aspects to have the certain differences from these aspects, this paper mainly analyzed emphatically from the dunhuang "and" beauty of dunhuang mogao grottoes, the differences in full, concluded that different expressional gimmick, have to create different effect.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-20 15:50

《Dunhuang 》 with 《Mogao hole in Dunhuang?Beautiful entire content 》of the contrast analyze
Today that spreads a technique to receive an unprecedented shape in the showbiz, the showbiz work concerning Dunhuang piles up one after another.Among them 《Mogao hole in Dunhuang?Beautiful entire content 》BE taken by NHK Japan, be shown in September, 2008, the time interval annum Yang sees to invest 《Dunhuang 》 taking to get "gold panda" prize, the Chinese New Year's Day sees to broadcast in the Yang in 2010.These two documentary films recount a contents mostly similar, but exist in the aspects of recounting structure and recounting a mode and explaining the usage of the writing and menu, lens of phrase etc. certain get discrepancy, this text mainly from these aspect point analysis 《Dunhuang 》 with 《Mogao hole in Dunhuang?Beautiful entire content 》of discrepancy place, get a different technique of expression thus, the different effect of constructed.
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