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发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-27 21:23



热心网友 时间:2024-07-11 13:55

Pursue in brief, simple, health, enrich of the life has already become a Taiwanese to introspect after inlging in material in the past of a new trend.The progress of the economic globalization of join WTO to be advantageous to Wuhan to make use of two international local markets well with China quickly, two kinds of resourceses speed development step, the knowledge-based economy rises in the global scope, science and technology to economy development the beard prop up function enlargement, being advantageous to section in Wuhan to teach advantage toward the conversion of realistic proctivity;The west of the nation implement develops greatly strategic, win development in region in the west quickly, again benefit in further exertive the niche advantage of Wuhan.其实你自己在电脑上也可以翻译的,要多动动脑筋,什么问题都需要自己去琢磨!

热心网友 时间:2024-07-11 13:56

Reflecting on the past strong insterst in materials, the Taiwanese has now been intent to pursue for a simple, health and colorful life.
The accelerated economic globalization and China's accession to WTO can help Wuhan take advantage of the international and domestic market to improve the growth of both resouces. With the advent of knowledge economy springing up all over the world, the pillar role of technology in economic development is increasingly remarkable, which is beneficial to the transference of Wuhan's scientific and edcational advantages to proction. The cause of Western Development Drive can accelerate the development of the Central and Wertern areas and give a full play to Wuhan's geographical advantages.

感觉你的中文表达得不是很清楚. :)

热心网友 时间:2024-07-11 13:56

Reflecting on the past strong insterst in materials, the Taiwanese has now been intent to pursue for a simple, health and colorful life.
The accelerated economic globalization and China's accession to WTO can help Wuhan take advantage of the international and domestic market to improve the growth of both resouces. With the advent of knowledge economy springing up all over the world, the pillar role of technology in economic development is increasingly remarkable, which is beneficial to the transference of Wuhan's scientific and edcational advantages to proction. The cause of Western Development Drive can accelerate the development of the Central and Wertern areas and give a full play to Wuhan's geographical advantages.
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