问答文章1 问答文章501 问答文章1001 问答文章1501 问答文章2001 问答文章2501 问答文章3001 问答文章3501 问答文章4001 问答文章4501 问答文章5001 问答文章5501 问答文章6001 问答文章6501 问答文章7001 问答文章7501 问答文章8001 问答文章8501 问答文章9001 问答文章9501

翻译:3,这汤闻上去真香!我都等不及要尝尝了。 4,我们不会讲意大利语,那我们到了意大利该说什么语

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 02:05



热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 07:59

1. the soup smells delicious !i cannot wait to taste it.
2. we dont speak Italian, so what do we speak when we get to Italy ?
2. it looks like rainy, dont forget to take an umbrella.
3. she insisted to take research into wild animals in Africa even though everybody ask her not to do this.
4.it is sure that they must win because they are the best team all over the country.
5. she was very tired and wanted a good sleep.
6. there no need to explain for yourself because this is your mistake.
7.now that John is here, let's start working追问1,我认为保护环境的最佳方法是多种树

追答1. i think the best way to protect environment is planting more trees
2. it sounds great to go to the park and have a picnic in weekend
3. i look back to my childhood which i still believe is the happist time of my life
4. the girl who used to be a model is a famous actress now
5. you will find that she isnt as bad as you think if you have more talk with her
6. the sky is getting darker and darker, so i decide to look for a place to have a rest
7. those students who are good at make good use of time usually get a good grade
8. even though it is hard to improve your cook skill in such a short time, you should keep practice.

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