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英语作文“a friend in need is a friend indeed",不少于60个词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 13:47



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 21:19

Everyone needs a friend, thus it is important to make a friend.
Firstly, you shall be nice to your friend, and make him feel your sincerity any time and any where.
Secondly you shall be considerate for others and never judge people with their appearance.
Thirdly, remember people's name, and discuss with your firend when there is a problem.
Comply with these sugestions, and you will make a good friend.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 21:19

Everyone needs a friend, thus it is important to make a friend.
Firstly, you shall be nice to your friend, and make him feel your sincerity any time and any where.
Secondly you shall be considerate for others and never judge people with their appearance.
Thirdly, remember people's name, and discuss with your firend when there is a problem.
Comply with these sugestions, and you will make a good friend.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 21:19

Everyone needs a friend, thus it is important to make a friend.
Firstly, you shall be nice to your friend, and make him feel your sincerity any time and any where.
Secondly you shall be considerate for others and never judge people with their appearance.
Thirdly, remember people's name, and discuss with your firend when there is a problem.
Comply with these sugestions, and you will make a good friend.
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