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Student assignment submission 系统内容 中译英 求翻译 ^_^ 谢谢

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 10:37



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 05:30

As a student to submit work platform, the user is focused on the teacher and the students. Student management mole (1) assignments - work download, upload, modify a: students can view the job details online, download requirements; Including the print preview and format conversion function, convenient students print jobs. B: homework uploading. Students for the convenience of users, to provide online cloud storage service; When submitting a job, students before the user can choose to save in the cloud data, no need to upload again. C we also reserve the function of modified replacement, students, even if submitted assignments before the deadline can still repeat upload to replace the old document. (2) achievement view functions: 1 score. Students can see online before submit homework scores, as well as to the appropriate teacher comments. Because of privacy involved students, each student can only query to your homework scores and comments; For other classmates as well as, class cannot, in terms of overall scores query. The 2:View the repeat rate. For there is a requirement for rechecking homework. Students may submit homework query in the system to the repetition rate, cited the relevant reference. (3) the class address book. This function allows students to query other users of public information, such as: the teaching of the teacher's personal information, get his classmates and teacher's contact information, promotes the communication between students, between teachers and students. (4) calendar reminder. Using the friendly user interface, simple and clear to provide students with time and deadline of each activity time. And modification are provided by other functions, convenient for students to add personal itinerary; Indivial travel part is not made public, other users can't see. (5) the reference database. For the convenience of students know operation background and the query to the relevant literature. Teachers can provide references for homework, and collect in the reference library. 6. Discussion groups. Discussion group members can free combination. Each user has formed a discussion group, and exit, add the ban on others


热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 05:30

As a student to submit work platform, the user is focused on the teacher and the students. Student management mole (1) assignments - work download, upload, modify a: students can view the job details online, download requirements; Including the print preview and format conversion function, convenient students print jobs. B: homework uploading. Students for the convenience of users, to provide online cloud storage service; When submitting a job, students before the user can choose to save in the cloud data, no need to upload again. C we also reserve the function of modified replacement, students, even if submitted assignments before the deadline can still repeat upload to replace the old document. (2) achievement view functions: 1 score. Students can see online before submit homework scores, as well as to the appropriate teacher comments. Because of privacy involved students, each student can only query to your homework scores and comments; For other classmates as well as, class cannot, in terms of overall scores query. The 2:View the repeat rate. For there is a requirement for rechecking homework. Students may submit homework query in the system to the repetition rate, cited the relevant reference. (3) the class address book. This function allows students to query other users of public information, such as: the teaching of the teacher's personal information, get his classmates and teacher's contact information, promotes the communication between students, between teachers and students. (4) calendar reminder. Using the friendly user interface, simple and clear to provide students with time and deadline of each activity time. And modification are provided by other functions, convenient for students to add personal itinerary; Indivial travel part is not made public, other users can't see. (5) the reference database. For the convenience of students know operation background and the query to the relevant literature. Teachers can provide references for homework, and collect in the reference library. 6. Discussion groups. Discussion group members can free combination. Each user has formed a discussion group, and exit, add the ban on others

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