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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 13:25



热心网友 时间:2022-05-07 12:01

 Wild animals have no place in the 21st century. Some people think that preventing these wild animals from dying out is a waste of resource. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.
  Biological diversity has never been so threatened as it is today as a result of the process of human civilization. The various forms of pressure created by human activity have destroyed natural balance, led to the deterioration of natural habitats, genetic erosion and the rarity, even disappearance, of a number of plant and animal species.
  As the pace of civilization accelerates, more people, taking more space, needing to use more natural resources, engaging in ever-growing consumption, impose severe deterioration on the habitat of animals. An increasing number of people come to realize that the disappearance of animals will result in serious threat to the equilibrium of ecosystem. Simply put, the extinction of hawks, a rat-eating bird seen in many regions, will result in the rapid propagation of rats. And rats, further, will destroy the prairies and threaten the other animals like gazelles, zebras and others, who live on grass and green lands. The coexistence of animals and human beings creates perfect harmony and brings about the vividness to our planet.
  It is hard to imagine what our world would be like without animals. Sociologists also point out that the disappearance of animals can cause social and economic problems. Animal trade, as a supporting sector to the world economy, was very active before. However, the situation is beyond control since animal trade is very profitable and alluring. Many species cannot escape the adversity of being killed.
  Certainly, our diet cannot be without meat. There are living stocks, which can provide us with sufficient and nutritious proce. Therefore, we need not to resort to wild animals, especially the endangered ones. To protect animals is to protect our living environment. Every indivial should join efforts to keep the diversity of animals.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-07 13:19

love animals. God's diversity in the creation of the animal kingdom is truly astounding. But to be honest, my participation in my love for animals will probably never extend beyond owning a dog or cat, or visiting the local zoo. But I do love to observe animals in their natural habitat. I would like to comment on the concept of an entire television network dedicated completely to animals and the coverage of them in almost every manner of nature. From interviews with on-site animal biologists who actually spend months at a time studying certain species, to actually interviewing a chimpanzee who's IQ testing reveals a higher intelligence level than some humans. I will also admit, I have watched very little of the Animal Planet Network, but as I sit here observing their website, I am very impressed with the variety of programming involving strictly animals and earths creatures. Everything from a 60 minute show about a wild lioness adopting a baby antelope, to the detailed struggle for survival of Grizzly bears and Mayfly nymphs in an effort to find food outside of their regular hunting season. Even 10 years ago, the idea of a T.V. channel dedicated completely to animals and their behavior and role in our world, would have ,to most, including myself, seemed somewhat inappropriate when there are so many more important world issues deserving of our attention. But with the advance of technology, comes the never ending opportunities for man to create organizations and networks focusing finitely on one particular concept or aspect of life. And with this opportunity, someone, who's love for the animal kingdom, created a major social outlet for the average person to learn things about animals and creatures that most of us had never even given thought to. I am not writing to promote or demote either the preserving of animals or the existence of a television channel dedicated completely to nature. However, I am writing to express my respect for those with such compassion for animals, that they would go to these lengths to promote and recognize their existence and the importance of their role in nature.
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