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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 13:04



热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 03:45



热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 03:46


热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 03:46


热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 03:47

An unforgettable things but the ups and downs of the relationship between the gas undertakings every worker's survival and fate, oneself in the post has worked eighteen years, honor, hard-working, share
Sweats are so saturated with for gas undertakings of contribution and joy!
One of the first things that unforgettable. It is the summer of 2001, the unit organized a free travel to reward for so many years of hard work to me. The us
The income of a family is a joy. When I hear the authority of the meeting again in the name of traveling, heart envy
In face with jealousy can reveal to hear the news, so I'm happy days didn't sleep well. Fly to yunnan, many good fortune!
For the first time the plane is excited and nervous overlap, when the clouds from outside the window, through the earth beneath shuttle in the far, exclamation of human civilization
Big. Time past, unconsciously in yunnan has arrived. Everything is so beautiful scenery lets a person mosey, relaxed!
July 13th, a history of the day, Beijing becomes the host city for the 2008 Olympics, nationalistic celebration, and is so beautiful day for me
The body of the passengers in yunnan nightmare memories. It is a sunny summer, we ended up in Dali, a visit to the lijiang, travel
Cars speeding in the rugged mountain path, suddenly the pouring rain, yunnan weather like three-year-old baby as fickle, vagaries. But we did not take this as a
All very happy matter, carriage, kunming, Dali, a stone of the three towers, features, erhai lake. And the upcoming lijiang naxi ancient LongXueShan margin,!
Around noon, when the cab drove a detour after, I suddenly felt dizzy, flip, followed by a loud noise, when their consciousness is two words: finished!
Then is dark, unconscious. When I awake when the car has a moment of silence as wolves, and then is burst tore heart crack lung cries, I detection
Check your body circumstance that is not serious, the first thing is to find my camera and then record the unforgettable moments, but also help you clean
Baggage, emergency evacuation for export, because the car is not very clear, any possible new unpredictable situation, then, a colleague chuai broken car most
The Windows, everybody busy behind from the window of the orderly, when I climbed out of the car body, and after that have turned over 180 'side in the roadside ditch, only a few meters away from the cliff
Two trees, is saved all life, a broken in body, lazio next, feel the heart and clinking miss distant relatives, but can't call peace,
Because everyone knows it will give family more psychological burden. Although very roads, but can't think too much, all the rescue injured colleague, the most important is to call in the rain
One of the curtain down injured quake-damaged section is the most serious. WangXingTian colleagues, his waist, like two colleagues fractures with other colleagues with help from a seaman
I also recorded sern unlucky side side, I heard was to cry, the female colleague of male colleagues ManMaSheng inclusion in together, let people be agitated, anxiety, then
While photography per side with a stable comfort to a colleague, is the place where the accident happened SheShen returns while waiting for rescue workers to photography. For mountain road, about three slip
Hours later, rescue workers and local government officials had arrived on the scene comforted, visiting!
The manager of our trip to HeYuZhen notch from accident has been uninterrupted time with the situation around, contact with all the other old, and actively and local leaders
To do a detailed report, in the evening, we handle the good scene, and hurried county hospital, to visit our seriously injured several colleagues, properly arrange, temporary opened an emergency meeting,
Verification for everybody, decided to continue to their destination.
After left colleagues have exhausted the instigation of leadership, in, temporarily forget what happened today, sit on the quake-damaged section of the passenger, temporary attune on night, smooth
Reached our destination, lijiang! Originally arranged tourism projects are now being stranded, one is all have no energy to organize activities, 2 it is to take care of the wounded, how can you colleagues
From the left of the mood complete journey! So the travel only after the mood has come, typically alls gone, hurry. The rest of the time HeYuZhen manager
Always on the phone and travel to discuss issues. In Beijing with the leadership, travel agency also came to the airport, and the decision of sympathy to our secured this journey of yunnan
Give each compensation. But in later days, we have suffered these co-workers were just compensation at the rehabilitation and organization of the matters are power units
One person to suppress down. Many ask no final answer ~!
Because of the organizer and travel agencies are friends, so these feelings of unit colleague is still can exist? Chinese modern social interpersonal relationship is so. We can, in the eaves of strong rise! The fate of the people will only so? We dare not anger, not in word about today. It is not only the people in society, also the society nowadays implicative nowadays.

1. 在我童年的记忆中,有一件让我感动至深的事情,那就是在一个风雨交加的夜晚,母亲对我的无私奉献。那晚,我感到头晕目眩,发烧至二十八点五度,而母亲为了照顾我,不顾窗外大雨和学校关闭的现实,背着我走向医院。尽管她的伞丢失了,但她依然坚定地带着我穿越黑暗和风雨。不幸的是,医院已经关门...






令我最感动的一件事(1)一遇到雨天,我就会想起我那亲爱的爷爷,想起令我最感动的一件事.那天是星期五,不知道是谁招惹了 老天爷,窗外的天空忽然阴暗了下来,下起了毛毛小雨.但谁料想得到,一到中午放学,毛毛小雨已经渐渐变成了倾盆大雨,我的心情也像天空一样,阴暗了许多.怎么办?怎么办?我没带雨伞...




小学五年级叙事作文:最令我感动的一件事前一天,我无意间发现了一件令我很感动的事,那就是——母狗的爱。接下就让我给你讲述一下事情的经过。 那是在一个夏天的中午,我和大姨去买东西,姥姥和姥爷在家。我家母狗的孩子叫“小花”,是老四,它身上花花的,十分可爱。时常还自己出门溜溜弯。每次回来都是安然无恙...


下面是我收集整理的使我难忘的一件事作文,欢迎阅读参考! 【篇一:一件难忘的事】 记忆是一个大花园,在这个花园里盛开着许许多多花朵,每一朵花是一个小故事,其中有一朵最美丽的花,那是一件最令我难忘的事。 那是一个星期天,爸爸受人邀请去乡下钓鱼,顺便把我也带去了。爸爸给我买了一根钓鱼杆,准备了一些...

作文: 生活中一定有很多经历给你留下了难忘的印象,请选择其中感受最深的...

我思考着生活。也许你今天还在生活的苦海中苦苦挣扎,期待着你盼望的那一天到来;或许你就此厌倦生活,对生活失去了希望和憧憬,但只要我们意志坚定,定会苦尽甘来。相信吧, “长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。”我思考着生活。也许你一时半刻领悟不到生活的美丽。但为何不仔细想想,如果我们没有身处...


一件感动的事六年级作文1 在我的人生中,有许多事让我感动。其中有一件事让我最伟大的感动,最让我记忆忧新。 记得我十岁时,在上一节体育课时,在与同学追逐打闹的时候,一个同学迎面而来,不小心将我撞在了地上,把我摔了个四脚朝天,膝盖和胳膊肘也流了许多血,经不住疼的我在地上坐着眼泪一下子哗啦的流了...



一件令你感动的事情作文 令我感动的—件事作文 一件令我感动的事作文500 令我感动的一件事作文600 最令我感动的一件事500字作文 一件令我感动的事满分作文 一件令我感动的事作文450字 作文令我感动的一件事300字左右 一件令人感动的事作文400字
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