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·翻译两句话. 中译英

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 12:42



热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 01:08

Milan Kundera once for the design, "XiaoWangShu" the cover of the graphic design of the European Masters Mofusiji Curry said: "In all kinds of art forms come to an end, fragments of the interception and integration into post-modern One of the signs. "Sampling and musician David Shea will be just 17 sources with the rules of order, press the Random button, they are allowed to play to their imagination machine. Here, the vanguard of innovation and instinctive desire to become an eccentric technology, it is only perception comes from, maybe I can read a word of explanation of all this: "the art of pop collage, is a symbol of our Deconstruction and the structure of mutual co-exist with each other to suppress the society "

热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 01:09

Kerimofusji(俄罗斯名字,不知道怎么翻),the European graphic design master who once designed the coverage of The Book of Laughter and Forgetting for Milan Kundera said :" When all the artistic forms reach the end, interception and integration for the segments become one of the symbols of post-modern." But sampling musician David Shea arrayed the 17 source of sound unregularly, press Random key, let the machine exert its imagination. Here, the instinct of pioneer and the desire of creation became odd technique, all these just came from perception, may be one sentence I have seen before can explain all these better :" The popularity of collage art just stands for our society , in which the deconstruction and construction exist together and suppress each other.
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