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Arrive in time/Arrive on time

发布网友 发布时间:2024-02-12 15:38



热心网友 时间:2024-02-12 20:02

What is the difference beeen " to arrive in time?" and " to arrive on time"? To arrive on time <-------->准时到达 ( to imply you are not late) Examples: I thought you would be late for the meeting
but you arrived on time. ( You arrived at the meeting ( about the fixed time) just right before the meeting started. ) ________________________________________________ To arrive in time ------------>及时到达 ( It has something to with the EXACT FIXED TIME or ( about some bad situations) 1) My school begins at 8 :30 am. <-------I thought I would be late when I was in Mong Kok at 8 am. Fortunately I arrived ( there just )in time.及时到达 ( ARM ARM HO @(*J*)@) 2) The firemen arrived in time to save the people. ( bad situation) The time is not stated here. <--------------------没有讲 时间 It me " the firemen arrived at the scene before the fire killed those people". 2009-01-09 14:30:44 补充: It has something to do with the EXACT FIXED TIME
in time的中文解释是及时,而on time是准时;它们的分别是及时不一定是准时,如,你约了朋友5时在戏院见面,一起去看5:30的戏,结果,你5:20分才到,虽不准时,但却赶得及看戏。 You did not arrive at the cinema on time
but you were in time for the moive. 而且你要留意,in time是相对于某事/或做某事来说;而on time是相对于时间来说。 希望帮到你!
arrive in time > arrive at that time sharp arrive on time > arrive around that time Sample: You have an appointment at 3:15pm and you arrive exactly at 3:15 sharp
then you arrive in time
and if you arrive at 3:14pm or 3:16pm
then you arrive on time. Since we don't expect people meet an appointment at a particular time spot exactly
usually we say 'arrive on time' instead of 'arrive in time'. 2009-01-12 12:08:15 补充: After look up the dictionary and refer to the other's wers
the wer that I posted here is WRONG. Since marks will be dected if I delete it
so I leave it here. Sorry about that!
参考: Myself
Arrive in time 系及时到达 Arrive on time 系准时到达
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