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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 12:07



热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 20:25

Summarized as follows
Objective: To explore the P300 lie detector test for distinguishing between the true identity of income or short-term training effects of false identities to lie detection, and P300 lie detector pairs of subjects were obtained through short-term training for different levels of experience lie detection results;
Were tested: the author.
Methods: The study was originally sub-nine times without any understanding of a false identity in order to proce different subjects were lying experience, every time after learning P300 lie detector, through the experimental data dealing with the bootstrap method to compare the learning process corresponding to the different experiences of lying P300 amplitude changes.
Results: (1) Analysis of the 1st, 5th, 9th Fz and Cz amplitude data, including three tests in three kinds of evoked P300 amplitudes were significantly different;
(2) The 1st, 5th, 9th tests to detect target stimuli and irrelevant stimulus and evoked P300 amplitude of the correlation coefficient does not show an increase with the experience of lying increment or decrement rule.
Conclusions: (1) P300 lie detector test can be distinguished by the identity or the real short-term training to obtain the false identity of lying;
(2) P300 lie detector test can not distinguish be obtained through short-term training experience in different levels of lying.

Key words: P300 lie detector bootstrap statistical analysis of the experience seems to lie
How it sounds
How to eat up
How do I smell
Feels how

热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 20:26

Purpose: Probing into P300 lie detection is distinguished and tried training the resulting detection result that lies of false identity to the true identity or a short time, and P300 lie detection, to trying through the detection result of different levels of experience of lying of the short-term training income;
Tried: The author himself.
Method: Divide 9 study for false identity that understand any, in order to make, try, proce different experience of lying, carry on P300 lie detection after the each study, through boot France experimental data of punishing, comparative learning process different to lie experience corresponding P300 amplitude change.
Result: ( 1) Analyze the amplitude data of the 1st time, the 5th time, the 9th Fz and Cz, P300 amplitude that three kinds of stimuli bring out all have a prominent difference in three tests among them;
( 2) In the 1st time, the 5th time, the 9th test, survey and stimulate stimulating and having nothing to do and stimulating the coefficient correlation of P300 amplitude brought out not to demonstrate with the target that experience increase the law increased progressively or decreased progressively to lie at the same time.
Conclusion: ( 1) P300 lie detection can be distinguished and tried training the lying of false identity obtained to the true identity or a short time;
( 2) P300 lie detection can distinguish, try, train obtain lie different competence of experience through a short time.

Keyword: P300 lie detection Boot statistical analysis Lie experience

热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 20:26

Summarized as follows
Objective: To explore the P300 lie detector test for distinguishing between the true identity of income or short-term training effects of false identities to lie detection, and P300 lie detector pairs of subjects were obtained through short-term training for different levels of experience lie detection results;
Were tested: the author.
Methods: The study was originally sub-nine times without any understanding of a false identity in order to proce different subjects were lying experience, every time after learning P300 lie detector, through the experimental data dealing with the bootstrap method to compare the learning process corresponding to the different experiences of lying P300 amplitude changes.
Results: (1) Analysis of the 1st, 5th, 9th Fz and Cz amplitude data, including three tests in three kinds of evoked P300 amplitudes were significantly different;
(2) The 1st, 5th, 9th tests to detect target stimuli and irrelevant stimulus and evoked P300 amplitude of the correlation coefficient does not show an increase with the experience of lying increment or decrement rule.
Conclusions: (1) P300 lie detector test can be distinguished by the identity or the real short-term training to obtain the false identity of lying;
(2) P300 lie detector test can not distinguish be obtained through short-term training experience in different levels of lying.

Key words: P300 lie detector lie bootstrap statistical analysis of the experience
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