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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 12:13



热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 18:32


flower英 [ˈflaʊə(r)] 美 [ˈflaʊɚ] 


flower 基本解释

名词:花; 精华; 开花植物

不及物动词:开花; 繁荣; 成熟

及物动词:使开花; 用花装饰

flower 相关例句


1. This bush flowers in the spring.

2. Most fruit trees flower in the spring.

3. His genius flowered.


1. The narcissuses were in flower.

2. Bees gather nectar from flowers.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 18:32


(种子植物的有性繁殖器官) flower; blossom; bloom:
雌(雄)花 female (male) flower
开花 come into bloom
两性花 hermaphrodite flower
桃花 peach blossom
(可供观赏的植物) flower:
浇花 water flowers
种花 cultivate (plant; grow) flowers
牡丹是艳丽的花。 A peony is a showy flower.
我不太喜欢花园里种植的花。 I don't care much for garden flowers.
(形状像花朵的东西) anything resembling a flower:
灯花 snuff
火花 spark
浪花 spray
雪花在空中飞舞。 Snowflakes are dancing in the air.
(烟火的一种) fireworks:
放花 let off fireworks
(花纹) pattern; design:
白地蓝花 blue patterns on a white surface
她织的花儿真好看。 The pattern she knitted is really beautiful.
这被面的花儿很大方。 The design on this quilt cover is quite elegant.
(比喻事业的精华) flower:
文艺之花 flower of literature and art
(指妓女或跟妓女有关的) prostitute; courtesan:
烟花女 prostitutes
烟花柳巷 redlight district; the stews
寻花问柳 spend one's time with prostitutes
(棉花) cotton:
废花 waste cotton
轧花 gin cotton
(痘) smallpox:
出花儿 get smallpox
种花儿 vaccinate
(作战时受的外伤) wound:
他在战斗中挂了花。 He got wounded in action.
(姓氏) a surname:
花荣 Hua Rong

(颜色或种类错杂的) multicoloured; coloured; variegated:
花蝴蝶 variegated butterfly
花衣服 bright-coloured clothes
小花狗 spotted puppy
布染花了。 The cloth is dyed unevenly.
(眼睛模糊迷乱) blurred; dim:
看书看得眼睛都花了 read until the print looks blurred
老眼昏花 dim-sighted from old age
(用来迷惑人的; 不真实或不真诚的) fancy; florid; flowery; showy:
你的字太花了。 Your handwriting is too fancy.
他又在耍花招了。 He is up to his tricks again.
要练好基本功,别尽学花架子。 You should spend time on basic training, not on those flourishes.

(用; 耗费) spend; expend:
很花时间 take a lot of time; be time-consuming
这项工程我们花了五年多时间。 We spent over five years on this project.
*花了大量资金帮助改良这片土地。 The government spent a lot of money to help make this land better.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 18:33

Mr Gao

热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 18:33

flower 花,花朵

热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 18:34

你好 是flower
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