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跪求把下面的文章翻译成英语,不要软件翻译的,坐等大神解答! 今天,我向大家介绍一种运动,骑行。 首先

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 06:45



热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 21:11

Today, I'd like to introce a motion, riding.
I first introce the origin and development of a bicycle.
In 1790, a man named Siv Lark developed a bike prototype, this is. But the bike will use two pedal ground to drive the car forward. By 1874, the British Luo Song designed the first car can ride a bicycle. But it is not easy to master the balance wheel.
After development, the bicycle now appeared in different species, more common are about six.
1, mountain bike. It is very strong, grip good, can change, suitable for mountain. 2, road vehicles, in order to speed the frame design, small wind resistance, tire narrow, small resistance. 3, travel car, long-distance travel design, suitable for hundreds or thousands of kilometers of travel. 4, dead flies, it is very simple, only composed of 19 parts. It is very beautiful also very dangerous.
Here are some cycling equipment, helmet, gloves, apparel, goggles, stopwatch, headlights, taillights, bottle rack.
Cycling is a worldwide popular sport. Regardless of age, regardless of region, has a bike lovers.
This is our school's bicycle association, there are more than 200 members. If weather permits, we are riding activities every week. As long as you like, can join us.
Finally, to show my bicycle.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 21:12

Today,I'd like to introceamotion,riding.
I firstintrocethe origin and development ofabicycle.
In 1790,a man named Siv Larkdeveloped abikeprototype,this is.Butthe bike willuse twopedalgroundtodrive the car forward.By 1874,the British Luo Songdesigned the firstcar canride abicycle.But itis not easy tomaster the balancewheel.
After development,the bicyclenowappeared in differentspecies,more common areaboutsix.
1,mountain bike.It is verystrong,grip good,canchange,suitable formountain.2,road vehicles,in order to speedthe framedesign,small wind resistance,tirenarrow,small resistance.3,travelcar,long-distancetraveldesign,suitable forhundreds orthousands ofkilometers oftravel.4,deadflies,itis very simple,only composed of19parts.It is very beautifulalso verydangerous.
Here are somecycling equipment,helmet,gloves,apparel,goggles,stopwatch,headlights,taillights,bottle rack.
Cycling isaworldwidepopular sport.Regardless of age,regardless of region,has a bikelovers.
Thisis our school'sbicycle association,there aremore than 200 members.If weather permits,weareridingactivitiesevery week.As long as youlike,can joinus.
Finally,to showmy bicycle.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 21:12

today,i will make an introction on a sport,riding.
firstly,i will talk about orgin and development of bicycle.In 1790, a man named Sielaff J developed prototype of bicycle,which like this,but you have to push it forward by pedaling ground.Until 1874,englishman Rossomme designed the first one for ridding,with large front wheel,not easily handled.Though through years of development,bricycle has evolved in different kinds,more specificly,here are the 6 common one 1,mountain bike,it's stable ,good grab,variable speed,suitable for mountain road 2 road bicycle ,designed for speed ,it holds small wind resistanted frame,narrow tare,low resistance.3 travel bicycle ,designed for long trip,which is suitable for journey for thousand miles.4 fixed gear,it's concise ,with only 19 spare parts.so it's mingled beauty with high risk. Now let's see riding equipment, helmet,gloves,apprael,goggles,stopwatch,headlight,backlight,bottle cage. Riding is a worldwide famous sports.There are riding lovers despite your age and region.This is bicycle association of our school,with a sum of 200 members.We will have activities every week if weather permits.Join us,share delight of riding with us.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 21:13

Today, I introce a sport, riding.First of all, let me introce the origin and development of the bicycle.In 1790, a man named xifulake developed the prototype of the bike, this is it.But when riding with two foot pedal step on the ground in order to move the car forward.By the year 1874, British Roson designed first to ride a bike.But it's front wheel is large, is not easy to balance.After development, bikes up to now there have been different kinds, there are six common.1, mountain bikes.It is very sturdy, good grip, speed adjustment, applicable to road.2, road vehicles, in order to speed design, frame the wind resistance is small, narrow tires, low resistance.3, station wagon, designed for long-distance travel, applicable either to hundreds of thousands of kilometers of journeys.4, dead fly, it is very simple, consisting of only 19 parts.It's beautiful and dangerous.Here are several riding gear, helmets, gloves, Jersey, goggles, a stopwatch, headlights, rear lights, bottle cage.Cycling is a popular sport throughout the world.Regardless of age, regardless of region, there are bike enthusiasts.This is our school's bicycle Association, which has more than more than 200 members.If the weather allows, we ride every week.As long as you like, you can join us at any time.Finally, show off my bike.
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