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黑洞频率的英文观后感 200字呀 诉求 在线等。

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 01:24



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 11:06

This film is a pleasant surprise in many ways. A surprise, in that it didn't fare better at the box office; it deserved much better. The plot is well thought out (a lot of "small" details play a role in the development of the story), the performances are good, and the actors look their age (i.e., the wigs don't look too phony). This is the one movie that taught me to look beyond the number of copies left on the shelves at the video store. Also, it surprised me that so many elements fused together so well into a single movie: it is a drama of a family (and their friends) strongly held together by their love, yet it also reads like a mystery novel where all the little pieces of the puzzle come together (and very well at that), and it is a very good thriller (I kept feeling chills for the characters even after I'd already watched the film twice and knew exactly what was coming up next). It has some element of a sci-fi, such as the very premise on which the entire story is base, but except for that, I wouldn't recommend this as a sci-fi movie. A little piece of advice for future viewers out there: STAY AWAKE. The very charm of this film is that almost every detail counts. Not all of them have equally far-reaching repercussions, but the director and writer seem to have seen to it that the story is told with maximum efficiency and subtlety. This might explain the lack of appeal to one-time theater audiences; it is indeed almost impossible to catch everything at a casual one-time viewing.

Finally, don't expect from this movie everything that a good drama has. If anyone asked me to characterize this movie, it'd be as a MYSTERY. The other components, might be there, but leave room for improvement. For instance, the characters, heroic and loving as they are, are a little bit too good to be true. But that is probably the one complaint I have about this movie. I heartily recommend it to those of you who enjoy a good thriller and can stay alert for 118 minutes.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 11:06


热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 11:07


热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 11:07

whats its name in English??
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