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Fantasia的《Truth Is》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-31 13:59



热心网友 时间:2024-03-31 20:05

歌曲名:Truth Is
专辑:Free Yourself

Chiddy Bang - Truth
Is anybody there?
I mean I hope somebody out there can hear this right here.
Just listen.
You're gonna drive me crazy (don't do that).
You're gonna drive me mad (don't do that).
Better things are coming.
I said there's truth in that.
Yo, what better things can you hear them sing?
Ain't this like a celebration?
Swiss gears to the top we steer, notice my acceleration.
I do it for the have not's, for the boy playing ball on the block.
Xaphoon told me that this was the shot, so I stopped skipping math but I came with a plot, plot.
I've prolly moved onto my next axis.
And if she calling, I don't care about what my ex asks.
Why, cause I'm in a lab like Bill Nye the Science Guy.
Flyer than fly, I could jump overtop of the Empire State building, just glide.
You're gonna drive me crazy (don't do that).
You're gonna drive me mad (don't do that).
Better things are coming.
I said there's truth in that.
Harder to fail.
You see a train, don't be the fool that jumps on the rail.
High on the scale, if a nail girl said it.
I am well endowed like Harvard and Yale.
Ladies man, Jesse Katsopolis.
I'm getting shows booked, I be the noblest.
Superman, metropolis.
I profit off my topic hits.
Periodically, I'm in my element, phosphorus.
I'm prosperous, say we loud and too rockerish.
Pro, how long are you lockin' this?
I say until apocalypse, I got this shhh.
You're gonna drive me crazy (don't do that).
You're gonna drive me mad (don't do that).
Better things are coming.
I said there's truth in that.
Is anybody there?
I mean I hope somebody out there can hear this right here.
Just listen.
You're gonna drive me crazy.
You're gonna drive me mad.
You've got an angel on your shoulder.
Making elephants of the clouds.
Maybe they'll be unhappy.
Maybe, but don't be sad.
Better things are coming.
I said there's truth in that.
Don't do that.

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