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Elvis Costello的《Satellite》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-30 15:55



热心网友 时间:2024-04-01 05:47

歌手:Elvis Costello

So what divides
From the bittersweetness love provides?
I will redefine my place within this union
For what is a lie?
And the better me can't show its side
I will try to find my way to higher ground
Oh! There's a million stories
And a million ways to get there from here
Baby, I'm gonna put your skin on mine
Be inside you all my life
But if you let your heart open up your mind
There's a whole new world on the other side
I'm gonna be your satellite
Now hand over your world at night
And I can hear you sleep beneath the candlelight
I can see your dreams like they were mine
When I, I hear you scream it makes me cry
It makes me realize I'm only human
For what relies on the balance between love and pride?
Then I'll abandon all my pride and bring you love
Oh! There's a million reasons
And a million ways to get to your heart
Baby, I'm gonna make you step outside
The corners of your world and find
That if you let your heart open up your mind
There's a whole new world on the other side
I'm gonna be your satellite
Now hand over your world at night
And I can hear you sleep beneath the candlelight
I can see your dreams like they were mine
(Instrumental Break)
Baby, I'm gonna put your skin on mine
Be inside you all my life
But if you let your heart open up your mind
There's a whole new world on the other side
I'm gonna be your satellite
Now hand over your world at night
And I can hear you sleep beneath the candle-light
I can see your dreams like they were mine

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