发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-08 14:20
热心网友 时间:2024-07-24 06:29
Here are a couple of my own:1. If you're not sure where to start, download a few tweaks and look at the units used如果你不知从哪里开始,可以先下载一下云端插件,看看它们是如何修改使用的。2. Flex can will do simple (but effective) changes; Mostly you can disable features as this doesn't involve adding anything additional. On some occasions you can enable things, but only of the app has it hidden. E.g my VOIP tweak for Facebook was possible because it was available in a different country but disabled in the UK, not removed from the app completely.Flex可以做简单但有效的改变,大部分时候你可以关闭某项功能而不必添加任何工具。但在一些情况下,只有该应用本身有隐藏了该功能,你才能开启相应的功能。例如开启Facebook的网络电话功能,在其他国家该功能是可以使用的,但在英国被关闭了,但是并没有完全从应用里移除。3. Use errors in the app to help you find the Unit. If the error says you can't do something, search for the key word to see if you can reverse it!使用一些在应用出现的错误提示去帮助找出相关代码。如果错误提示说你不能做某些事,用其关键词去搜寻,看看是否可以改回来。4. Basically what you're saying is that most often, if you want to disable features or checks, you'll usually find yourself overriding a BOOL return value to always return FALSE. The opposite is quite typical as well-- when you're adding or enabling things, you'll find yourself overriding these same return values to always return TRUE. This is not a rule, by any means!简单来说就是找到返回值然后修改它的TRUE或FALSE值 来开关某项功能。-(BOOL) enableProFeatures will probably return FALSE in normal circumstances. You want to ENABLE this flag, so you override that with TRUE.-(BOOL) enableProFeatures 该代码的返回值通常都是FALSE,你只需改成TRUE就可以开启了。(该代码是用于开启正式版功能,如你从APP下载了某些试用版)-(BOOL) showMassiveNagBanners may return TRUE in some annoying app. You want to DISABLE or REMOVE these, so you'll override the return, setting it to FALSE.-(BOOL) showMassiveNagBanners (该代码是用于开启大量横幅通知)如不需要可以从TRUE改成FALSE关闭。5. For ad removal, look for things like"Ad""Banner"and in combination with"display","show","load","permitted","enabled","available". Things like"loadAd","displayAd","showAd".为了移除广告:结合搜索"Ad""Banner"和"display","show","load","permitted","enabled","available"。如"loadAd","displayAd","showAd"。For removing/adding licensed features, look for things such as"InApp","license","points","credit","buy","points"为了移除/增加 购买后的特权,搜索"InApp","license","points","credit","buy","points"热心网友 时间:2024-07-24 06:36