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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 19:26



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 23:43

A Well Balanced Diet And Cancer-Health
Lifestyle has become an influential factor in determining an indivial's health.Every year,cancer is responsible for thousands of slow and painful deaths.Nutritional scientists have long proposed a relationship between eating habits and cancer.
Although the causes of cancer can be many,a well-balanced diet can certainly rece the risk of the disease.Such a diet is usually defined as a mixture of foods that contain just the right amount of nutrition.Each day,our bodies need proteins,carbohydrates,fats,trace minerals,and vitamins to function well.
Different foods have different proportions of those nutrients,so careful selection is important in eating.Proteins are rich in milk,meat,and egg.Carbohydrates are abundant in sugar,rice,and bread.Fats are found in animal procts.Seaweeds and fish can satisfy body's needs for trace minerals.Fruits and vegetables provide a tremendous amount of vitamins and antioxidants,which are particularly important in cancer prevention.To ensure a healthy tomorrow,spending a little time to manage your dietary intake will pay off later in life.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 23:43

It is well-known that cancer is deadly and horrible. The data shows that cancer is one of the most dangerous disease of three around the world.And it also shows that the cancer rate is rising quickly.
I think the reason why the cancer rate rises is the unhealthy food's existence. The unhealthy food may increase the cancer rate. So how to eat healthily is one of the most important thing the human should face to.
I believe one day the cancer will disappear in the world through the development of the medical technology. And what we need to do is to be a healthy people everyday.
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