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发布网友 发布时间:2024-02-28 18:42



热心网友 时间:2024-03-22 15:39

Black Ditch Reservoir Dam in January 1972 to start construction, completed in 1973, the same year, canal facilities, irrigation benefit. Works mainly by the dam, spillway, drainage facilities
Composition. Dam is a homogeneous earth dam; the left bank of the spillway at the dam shoulders, for the open-free spillway gate control is; drainage facilities located across the dam at the left abutment,
Culvert for the type of shaft. Black Ditch Reservoir Dam was built in a special historical period, after 30 years of long-term operation, engineering aging and disease seriously, in July 2008
Identified through the assessment of dam safety for the three dams. The works mainly exist: lack of flood control capacity; dam downstream slope stability safety factor against sliding is less than specification requirements; dam
Body Sanjin, dam dam leakage; termites cause serious harm; spillway wall is not lined, no export of energy dissipation measures spillway; drainage culvert horizontal pipe leakage and other diseases. In accordance with the
Associated procedures, specification requirements, as reflected in major projects for disease problems, combined with bad communication Reservoir Dam reinforcement to carry out engineering design, including flood
Checking, reviewing flood control, dam / spillway / drainage facilities, remediation design and structural calculations, seepage, seismic review and so on. Were the key issues of design called
In detail.
Keywords: Flood routing; flood review; structure calculation; flow; earthquake

热心网友 时间:2024-03-22 15:38

Rotten Nian ditch reservoir in January, in 1972, in 1973, started building was completed in the same year, irrigation canal supporting benefit. The project is main by DAMS, spillway, of water facilities. The dam for homogeneous volumetric; The left shoulder, YuDaBa spillway set to open type without gate control is slot spillway; Located in left water facilities for the dam abutment shaft, through HanGuan type. Rotten Nian ditch reservoir built in special historical period, after 30 years of long-term operation, engineering serious aging, disease serious, July 2008, after the dam safety appraisal evaluation for three dam. Engineering mainly exist: flood fighting ability is insufficient; Dam downstream sliding stability of dam slope safety coefficient is less than standard requirement; Infiltration, including the abutment leakage dam; Termites drug-infested; Spillway sidewall not lining, spillway export no energy measures; Contain the water leakage of horizontal piping disease. According to relevant regulations, the requirement of the specifications, aiming at the main engineering reflects, combined with lousy Nian disease problem the engineering practice in gully reservoir reinforcement design base, including flood regulating checking and flood control review, DAMS/spillway/water facilities structure calculation, regulation design and review, seismic seepage calculation. The key problem to design the call comprehensively stated.
关键词:Flood regulating calculation;Flood control review; Structure calculation; Seepage; seismic
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