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发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-24 20:41



热心网友 时间:2024-07-24 04:31

1 I ( am going to plant) trees tomorrow.
2、Is she going to Xiangjiang Zoo this weekend?一般疑问句
否定句 She isn't going to Xiangjiang Zoo this weekend.

3、My parents won't visit the Window of the World next Sunday.否定句
一般疑问句 Will your parents visit the Window of the World next Sunday?

4、Can Sally take a walk under the big tree?一般疑问句
否定句 Sally can't take a walk under the big tree.

5、Does your father usually get to Beijing by teain?一般疑问句
否定句 My father doesn't usually get to Beijing by teain.
6、I am not going to Hong Kong this evening. 改否定句
疑问句 : Are you going to Hong Kong this evening ?

7、否定句:I don't surf the Net in the evening
疑问句:Do you surf the Net in the evening ?


热心网友 时间:2024-07-24 04:29

1.I am going to plant
2.Is she going to Xiangjiang Zoo this weekend?
She isn't going to Xiangjiang Zoo this weekend.
3.My parents won't visit the Window of the World next Sunday.

Will your parents visit the Window of the World next Sunday?

4、Can Sally take a walk under the big tree?
Sally can't take a walk under the big tree.

5、Does your father usually get to Beijing by train?

My father usually doesn't get to Beijing by train.

6、I'm not going to Hong Kong this evening.

Are you going to Hong Kong this evening?

7、I don't surf the Net in the evening.

Do you surf the Net in the evening?


热心网友 时间:2024-07-24 04:28

1,I am going to plant;2.一般疑问句:Is she going to Xiangjiang zoo this weekend?否定句:She is not going to xiangjiang zoo this weekend. 3.Will my parents visit the Window of the World next Sunday? My parents will not visit the Window of the World next Sunday.4. Can Sally take a walk under the big tree? Sally can't take a walk under the big tree.5Does your father usually get to Beijing by teain? My father doesn't usually get to Beijing by teain.6I am not going to Hong Kong this evening. Am I going to Hong Kong this evening? 7,I didn't surf the Net in the evening. Did you surf the net in the evening? PS,teain 是不是打错了?

热心网友 时间:2024-08-15 19:16

1 I ( am going to plant) trees tomorrow.
2、Is she going to Xiangjiang Zoo this weekend?一般疑问句
否定句 She isn't going to Xiangjiang Zoo this weekend.

3、My parents won't visit the Window of the World next Sunday.否定句
一般疑问句 Will your parents visit the Window of the World next Sunday?

4、Can Sally take a walk under the big tree?一般疑问句
否定句 Sally can't take a walk under the big tree.

5、Does your father usually get to Beijing by teain?一般疑问句
否定句 My father doesn't usually get to Beijing by teain.
6、I am not going to Hong Kong this evening. 改否定句
疑问句 : Are you going to Hong Kong this evening ?

7、否定句:I don't surf the Net in the evening
疑问句:Do you surf the Net in the evening ?


热心网友 时间:2024-08-15 19:22

1,I am going to plant;2.一般疑问句:Is she going to Xiangjiang zoo this weekend?否定句:She is not going to xiangjiang zoo this weekend. 3.Will my parents visit the Window of the World next Sunday? My parents will not visit the Window of the World next Sunday.4. Can Sally take a walk under the big tree? Sally can't take a walk under the big tree.5Does your father usually get to Beijing by teain? My father doesn't usually get to Beijing by teain.6I am not going to Hong Kong this evening. Am I going to Hong Kong this evening? 7,I didn't surf the Net in the evening. Did you surf the net in the evening? PS,teain 是不是打错了?

热心网友 时间:2024-08-15 19:21

1.I am going to plant
2.Is she going to Xiangjiang Zoo this weekend?
She isn't going to Xiangjiang Zoo this weekend.
3.My parents won't visit the Window of the World next Sunday.

Will your parents visit the Window of the World next Sunday?

4、Can Sally take a walk under the big tree?
Sally can't take a walk under the big tree.

5、Does your father usually get to Beijing by train?

My father usually doesn't get to Beijing by train.

6、I'm not going to Hong Kong this evening.

Are you going to Hong Kong this evening?

7、I don't surf the Net in the evening.

Do you surf the Net in the evening?

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