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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 22:12



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 04:47

写得有点长 前半段其实已经可以了 而且词汇不难 后半段是个人经历 你可以略去 词汇也有些难 你适当舍取就好了

my opinion on elementary school ecation---the exam system

In China, children are always supposed to finish primary school.In this stage, they are taught elementary knowledge in language and science, which lays the foundation for their further ecation.

I remember back to when I was in elementary school, and I didn't stress like the kids do in elementary school do these days.

Today, in schools across the nation, administrators say stuff like, "If you don't pass this test, you can't go to the next grade." Yeah, I remember hearing that, but I was in seventh grade, not first. I don't think kids should be told they cannot go to the next grade if they don't pass a test.

Why did elementary school have to become a place where kids are always stressed? If young children are being stressed now, at such a young age, this just might be a contributing factor to the problem with obesity among small children.

These kids are probably so stressed that they don't want to participate in sport related activities and want to eat unhealthy foods.

I, for one, am not a good test taker, but I do the homework. If a kid is bad at taking tests, but they have good grades, don't they deserve to pass the grade or class? This is ridiculous to me, so what if kids have certain disorders that set them back?

In my opinion, I feel like these little kids are being pushed too hard; if I were pushed that hard, it would make me crazy.

They deserve the chance to have a little fun. My experience ring elementary was a pleasant one, I loved everything about my life at that time.

I had fun learning, and I didn't have to freak out about major tests that are required of myself now.

Children now should have that same experience, instead of being stressed. Administrators are so strict, and I believe they should be to a certain extent, but they need to know when to let up on the children a little.

What I mean by this is, they don't need to scare them by telling them that they can't go to the next grade because of one test. It is silly.

One test shouldn't determine whether they go on to the next grade or not.

I'm not quite sure about the federal ecation program, "No child left behind."

The program's name seems ironic to me, in that administrators are, in fact, threatening to leave them behind, that is, not let them progress to the next grade.

When a child is held back a grade, the consequences are devastating; they get separated from their current friends and classmates, and are teased and made fun of by their new classmates.

I just hope that stressing doesn't get so bad their physical or mental health declines. I can only imagine how they will be when they get to college.

After primary school, they go to junior middle school without having to pass any exams if either will be ok. Ecation at this level is compulsory.

Now in our country, we go to school ring each semester will have a fixed test. To some degree, it annoy anyone even a straight-A student,cause there always someone ahead you and keep you in the st of despire.

I think China must change the exam system, if not, our country must lose many genius. Many of the children in order to the university entrance exam to abandon their dreams.

I don’t like Ecation System in China. In my opinion, We should relieve our children of their heavy academic burdens and encourage them to be active, imaginative and creative. I think it’s a long and hard way. Nobody can deny the function of ecation.
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