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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 23:33



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 07:43

【温馨提示】:上面的同学从第一句就开始错了,she more say more excited
是典型的中国式英语,是错误的,语法也不对,excited 是形容词,怎么能修饰动词say呢。不过,楼主应该感谢这些网友,因为他们回答问题很积极热情,真的。
The longer she talked ,the more excited she got. (got也可用was代替)
He began to look for a job when he graated .

The best way to win respect from all the studets and teachers of the school
is to work hard and got a high score .

It is difficult to remember everyone’s looks and names

You should pay special attention to keeping healthy .
(to 是介词,keep 要改成keeping )
He spent most of his time surfing the Internet ring the summer holiday.
You will find him not to be so bad as you think when when you talk with him for more times .
I am sorry to tell you that the library of our school will stop opening next week .
David is the most warm-hearted student I have seen .
Though the work\job is very challenging ,I like it .


热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 07:44

1. She talks more and more excited.
2. He went to apply for jobs when he graated.
3. The best way to earn respect of whole students and teachers of the school is to learn hard and get high score.
4. It's difficult to remember everybody's looks and name.
5. You should keep fit specially.
6. He spent most time of his summer vocation on internet.
7. He is not wicked you imagined when you have more times to talk with him.
8. We are so regrettable to notice you that our library will be closed next week.
9. David is one of my students who is most obliging I've seen.
10. Though it's a challenging job, but l love it.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 07:44

1.she talks excited more and more
2.hardly had he graated from university when he began to look for a job.
3.the best way to win all the teacher and student's respect is to study hard and gain a higher score.
4.it's hard to remember everyone's look and name.
5.it should be taken more attention on your keeping fit.
6.it always takes him most time to surf on the internet in summer vacation.
7.you will find that he isn't what you've imaged if you communicated with him several times.
8.unfortunately,the bad news that our libary will be closed from next week has been noticed
9.David is the most helpful student that i've ever met.
10. despite of this job challenging,i am loving it.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 07:45

1 she more say more excited
2. University graate, he began to find work
3. Win all the teachers and students' respect the best way was to work hard and achieve high grades
4. Hard to remember everyone's looks and name
5. You should pay special attention to keep healthy
6. Most of the time in summer holidays, he used the Internet
7. And he talk about a few times you will find that he doesn't want you to think so badly
8. I'm sorry to inform you of my school library will cease to open next week
9. David is seen by one of the most helpful student
10. Despite this job very challenging, but I like it


热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 07:46

1 she more say more excited
2. University graate, he began to find work
3. Win all the teachers and students' respect the best way was to work hard and achieve high grades
4. Hard to remember everyone's looks and name
5. You should pay special attention to keep healthy
6. Most of the time in summer holidays, he used the Internet
7. And he talk about a few times you will find that he doesn't want you to think so badly
8. I'm sorry to inform you of my school library will cease to open next week
9. David is seen by one of the most helpful student
10. Despite this job very challenging, but I like it



参考资料:绝对原创,莫抄袭!!! 2月14日

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 07:46

. 1 she more say more excited
2. University graate, he began to find work
3. Win all the teachers and students' respect the best way was to work hard and achieve high grades
4. Hard to remember everyone's looks and name
5. You should pay special attention to keep healthy
6. Most of the time in summer holidays, he used the Internet
7. And he talk about a few times you will find that he doesn't want you to think so badly
8. I'm sorry to inform you of my school library will cease to open next week
9. David is seen by one of the most helpful student
10. Despite this job very challenging, but I like it
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