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发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-28 23:20



热心网友 时间:2024-04-26 12:30


  The largest of the modern lizards Indonesia to the Comoros few Dragon (also said Comoros and monitor lizards), can grow to three meters, preying on deer and pigs. In Australia Pleistocene fossils found monitor lizards have twice the Comoros-large. But the lizards also the largest of the few Cang Long, this is a Late Cretaceous marine lizards, the length of some individual can be more than 10 meters. Cang Long has a long tail, accounted for almost half of the body length. Once found hundreds of very beautifully preserved fossils of the Cang Long, but not in adult Cang Long found the baby in vivo, it is estimated that they must return and land like sea turtles lay eggs.
  Many lizards have trunk extension, the degradation of the limbs, and this trend in the development of a snake he went to the extreme. Snake spine number of up to 5 00, the number of vertebral end of 120 ~ 454. No modern snake basic limbs: aiguillette and forelimb completely degraded only in the hind legs residual python, a blind snake belt of anomalies. People with superfluous "to describe work superfluous. However, if the count fossils superfluous may not be wrong. For example, in Israel in recent years discovered 9,500 years ago snake fossils from the skull can be classified typical snakes, still retains almost complete hind legs.
  In the modern lizard biggest factor Indonesia (also hasname branch motor ), can as be long as more than 3 meters, preyson Lu Hezhu. Discovers the fossil has two time ofbig in the Australian pleistocene epoch. But in the lizard is biggestalso counts the dark blue dragon, this is the late chalk world onekind of sea fresh lizard, some individual lengths may surpass 10meters. The dark blue dragon has the long tail, nearly occupied thebody one half to be long. Has discovered several hundred preservedextremely fine dark blue dragons fossil, but had not discovered ingrown-up dark blue dragon in vivo the young young, estimated they andthe sea turtle equally also must return to the land to lay eggs.
  Many lizards have the torso to lengthen the tendency which, the fourlimbs degenerates, but this kind of tendency developed in the snakeextremely to. Snake's vertebra number may reach 500, in front of thetail 椎 several 120 ~ 454. Modern snake basic not four limbs: Thepectoral girdle and the foreleg completely degenerate, after only inthe python has the extremity to be remaining, the blind snake has thewaistband the vestiges. The people with add something superfluous andruin the effect "analogy work move unnecessarily. But if calculatedthe fossil, added something superfluous and ruined the effect notnecessarily is wrong. For example, in recent years 95 million year agosnake fossil which discovered in Israel, from the skull looked maybelong to the model the ophidia, actually also retained the nearlycomplete after extremity.

热心网友 时间:2024-04-26 12:24

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