发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 04:58
热心网友 时间:2023-06-28 08:12
轮船英语是:steamship,读音是:英 ['stiːmʃɪp]。
释义:n. 轮船;汽船。
1、The steamship veered around for the port.轮船掉头返航。
2、The first development in modern transportation was the steamship.现代交通工具的首次飞跃是轮船。
3、The steamship touched at 3 ports.这艘轮船曾停靠3个港口。
4、When does your steamship sail?你们的轮船什么时候启航?
5、To welcome the steamship, a long line of honor guards marched all in step.为了欢迎轮船的到来,一支仪仗队步调合拍的行进着。