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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-17 04:32



热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 13:14

【 #英语资源# 导语】冬至,是二十四节气中的第二十二个节气,时间点在每年公历的12月21日—23日,兼具自然与人文两大内涵,既是二十四节气中一个重要的节气,也是中国民间的传统祭祖节日。每年农历冬至这天,不论*,饺子是必不可少的节日饭。谚云:“十月一,冬至到家户户吃水饺。”这种习俗,是因纪念“医圣”张仲景冬至舍药留下的。下面是 整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!

1.冬至吃饺子英语日记 篇一

  Today, Grandma asked me to eat mplings. Why did I eat mplings? I also want my mother to take me to pizza! My mother told me: "The Chinese people have a custom of eating mplings on the winter solstice, which is in memory of Zhang Zhongjing. It is said that one winter was very cold, and many people's ears were damaged by the cold. Zhang Zhongjing asked his disciples to set up a big pot, wrap mutton and medicinal herbs in noodles, and make them into the shape of 'ears'. He cooked them and let people eat them, which cured many people's ears. To commemorate him, people eat mplings on the winter solstice every year." At noon, Grandma made me big meat mplings, and I ate 16 big mplings. After eating, he touched his ears and said to himself, "Now my ears won't be damaged by the cold, will they?"

2.冬至吃饺子英语日记 篇二

  Today is the winter solstice, the coldest day of the year and the longest night. At the same time, according to people's custom, we should eat mplings.

  I also ate delicious mplings. The alts said, "As long as we eat mplings on the winter solstice, we won't freeze our ears." I didn't want to freeze my ears, so I ate a lot of mplings. ha-ha!

3.冬至吃饺子英语日记 篇三

  Today is the winter solstice, a festival for eating mplings. Early in the morning, I went back to Grandma's home with my father. Grandma made a lot of mplings. Grandma said, "Eating mplings on the winter solstice will not freeze your ears." I asked Grandma why? Grandma said, "Because mplings look like ears."

  I heard it was like this. I ate a lot of mplings made by my grandma. The mplings made by my grandma are really delicious!

4.冬至吃饺子英语日记 篇四

  Today is the winter solstice. My mother told me that the winter solstice is one of the 24 solar terms. It is also the shortest day and the longest night in 365 days of the year! i see!

  After school at noon, my mother picked me up and went directly to my grandmother's house. When I got home, the mplings were cooked and I had a bite. Wow! Really delicious! Grandma made small mplings with lace for me. I ate a small plate at a time. Grandma said that the mplings were eaten by ear. It would be very cold after the winter solstice, and the ears would not freeze after eating mplings. It's so interesting.

5.冬至吃饺子英语日记 篇五

  Today is the winter solstice. Grandma prepared to make mplings early. Grandma said that she would not eat flat food in the winter solstice.

  Mom said that the winter solstice is the shortest day and the longest night in the Northern Hemisphere. After the winter solstice, the days will get longer and the nights will get shorter. Mom also said that now, some places take the Winter Solstice as a festival. In the north, it is customary to kill sheep, eat mplings and wonton on the winter solstice, while in the south, it is customary to eat rice balls and long noodles on the winter solstice. There is also a custom of offering sacrifices to heaven and ancestors in various regions on the winter solstice.

  The customs and habits of our country are really diverse. Growing up in China, life is really colorful.

6.冬至吃饺子英语日记 篇六

  When I came home from school this afternoon, I saw my parents making mplings. I asked strangely, "Today is not the Spring Festival. Why do you make mplings?" The father smiled and replied, "Today is the winter solstice, and everyone needs to make mplings." "What is the Winter Solstice?" The father said: "The winter solstice is a day of the year with the shortest days and the longest nights. After the winter solstice, the days will grow longer day by day. It is an important solar term in China and a traditional festival. Because the winter solstice is still in the cold season, but spring is not far away, so every family should eat mplings to celebrate the winter solstice." "So it is!"

  Then I heard my mother shout, "Eat mplings!" Today, I not only ate delicious mplings, but also learned a lot about the winter solstice. It's really fruitful.

7.冬至吃饺子英语日记 篇七

  Today, when I came home, I saw my father making mplings. I asked, "I just ate mplings on Sunday. Why did I make mplings again?" Dad said, "Today is the winter solstice, and we should eat mplings." My father told me another story about eating mplings on the winter solstice:

  A long time ago, people often suffered from frostbite in winter, especially their ears. When Zhang Zhongjing, the "medical sage", saw this, he made mutton, pepper, wolfberry and some medicinal materials to drive away the cold into fillings. He wrapped them in flour skin and gave them to people to eat after they cooked them. Sure enough, the frostbitten ears were cured.

  It is also a custom to eat mplings on the winter solstice. Ha ha, the mplings are out of the pot! I have finished my homework too. Let's eat mplings!

8.冬至吃饺子英语日记 篇八

  Today is the Winter Solstice, which is a traditional Chinese festival. I heard Grandma said that everyone should eat mplings on the day of the Winter Solstice, or their ears will be frozen off. Today, after school, I just came home to see my mother in the kitchen alone busy making mplings. I hurriedly said, "Mom, I also want to make mplings. Please teach me!" Mom smiled and said to me, "OK." Mom rolled the skin. I held the skin with one hand and put a ball of filling on the skin with the other hand. Then I folded the two ends of the skin in two hands and squeezed the edges of the mplings with both hands. In this way, a mpling was wrapped. After a while, a plate of steaming mplings came on the table. I couldn't wait to squeeze one with my hand. Don't blow it and bite it. Wow! How fragrant! Do you know why today's mplings are so delicious?

9.冬至吃饺子英语日记 篇九

  Today is the winter solstice, one of the twenty-four solar terms in China. At noon, my mother made us our favorite mplings filled with carrots. The mplings made by my mother were delicious. My sister and I ate a full bowl each, and our stomachs were full. Mom said that when she was young, the old man always said such a sentence on this day that if she didn't eat mplings on the winter solstice, her ears would freeze off. In fact, this is all to cajole children, for fear that children will not eat mplings to frighten them.

  But my sister and I can't freeze our ears off this year because we both ate so many mplings.

10.冬至吃饺子英语日记 篇十

  Today is the winter solstice. According to the past custom, the family would sit around and make mplings together. Mother put flour, rolling pin, stpan and water on the table and prepared them. We are ready to start making mplings. Grandma mixed my favorite leek meat stuffing today. Mom and Grandma began to make mplings. I also rushed to learn how to make mplings.

  First of all, we washed our hands, and Grandma made dough and cut it into small pieces. Mom rolls the mpling skin, and Grandma and I make mplings. My mother taught me a way to make mplings. Put the filling in the mpling skin, pinch the middle first, and then pinch the two sides. I did as my mother taught me, and the result was better than that of my mother and grandma.

  After dinner, the whole family ate hot mplings and laughed happily. They felt that the winter solstice was not cold at all but warm from the bottom of their hearts.

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