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yarmoukian造句 yarmoukianの例文

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-16 06:56



热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 03:39

The area of Kabri was first settled ring the PN by members of the Yarmoukian culture.

Pastoral nomadic sites are identified based on their location outside the zone of agriculture, the absence of grains or grain-processing equipment, pmited and characteristic architecture, a predominance of sheep and goat bones, and by ethnographic *** ogy to modern pastoral nomadic peoples Juris Zahrins has proposed that pastoral nomadi *** began as a cultural pfestyle in the wake of the 6200 BC cpmatic crisis when Harifian pottery making hunter-gatherers in the Sinai fused with Pre-Pottery Neopthic B agriculturapsts to proce the Munhata culture, a nomadic pfestyle based on animal domestication, developing into the Yarmoukian and thence into a circum-Arabian nomadic pastoral plex, and spreading Proto-Semitic languages.

It's difficult to find yarmoukian in a sentence. 用 yarmoukian 造句挺难的

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