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Dawson的《Cinderella》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-17 14:21



热心网友 时间:2024-10-24 01:33


I used to be a girlfriend and I know I did it well
Oh yes you know its true
You'd call me Cinderella
All you had to do was yell
And I'd be there for you
Here I am
So try to forgive me
I don't believe in fairy tails
Here we are
With nothing but honesty
I've had enough
I'm not gonna stay
I'm sorry for running away like this
And I'm sorry I've already made my wish
Ah, But Cinderellas got to go
From time to time I'd try to tell you just what was on my mind.
You'd tell me not today.
Come back, do that.
Well, Cinderella... That
Was all you had to say
Here I am
So try to forgive me
I don't believe in fairy tails
Here we are
With nothing but honesty
I've had enough
I'm not gonna stay
I'm sorry for running away like this
And I'm sorry I've already made my wish
Ah, But Cinderellas got to go
I'm sorry, just trying to live my life
Don't worry, you're gonna be alright
But Cinderellas got to go
(Speak) I used to say I want you
You cast me in your spell
I did everything you wanted me to
But now I shall
Broke free from all your lies
I won't be blind, you see
My love, it can't be sacrificed
I won't return to thee
I'm so sorry, I've already made up my mind
I won't return to thee
I'm sorry to say, I'm running away now
Don't worry, you will be alright
I'm running away
I've made up my mind now
You're gonna have to let me go
I'm sorry, for running away like this
And I'm sorry, I've already made my wish
Ah, but Cinderellas got to go
I'm sorry, just trying to live my life
Don't worry, you're gonna be alright
But Cinderellas got to go

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