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Helena Josefsson的《Fire》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-17 19:46



热心网友 时间:2024-10-17 06:47

歌手:Helena Josefsson
专辑:Never Never (My Dynamo)

VersaEmerge - Fire (Aim Your Arrows High)
Album:Fixed At Zero
Take a look around
Our time's almost running out
Give back what you get
Uproot questions in your head
The looking glass is clear
What you want is near
Shoot out all the lights
Hold your ground, we'll hit the sky
It's time you aim your arrows high
Take down all the doubt
Cast it out, lets do it now
It's time we aim our arrows high
Sewn into your soul
This is out of our control
Be who you need to be
There's no other you or me
The looking glass is clear
What you want is near
Shoot out all the lights
Hold your ground, we'll hit the sky
It's time you aim your arrows high
Take down all the doubt
Cast it out, lets do it now
It's time we aim our arrows high
The angst you hold
You gotta let it go, let it go
Said to myself I'm so alone,
but I'm never alone
I walk in war to find the impossible
Yes, we're hexed, stuck in a mess
We're all such a wreck
Shoot out all the lights
Hold your ground, we'll hit the sky
It's time you aim your arrows high
Take down all the doubt
Cast it out, lets do it now
It's time we aim our arrows high
Shoot out all the lights
Shoot out all the lights
Aim your arrows high
Aim your arrows high

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