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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-07 13:59



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 10:28


Identify the rhetorical devices in the following sentences and explain their relative functions in the context or meanings in a straightforward way. The working language of this part is English.

1、Doing it well involves a daily, rigorous commitment to putting in the long hours, staying focused, limbering the language muscles, regaining beginner’s mind while accessing experience and craft, a practice not unlike that of meditation and prayer.
答案: The writer uses 'parallelism' to show the abovemetioned actions--‘putting in the long hours’, ‘staying focused’, ‘limbering the language muscles', 'regaining beginner’s mind' and 'accessing experience and craft',-- are of eual importance (or share some similarities)

2、History says, Don’t hope
On this side of the grave,
But then, once in a lifetime
The longed-for tidal wave
Of justice can rise up,
And hope and history rhyme.
答案: The main rhetorical devices in this sentence is 'rhyme'(注:英文的押韵不同于中文。) The last words of the first and fifth end up with of similar consonant. So do those of the second and forth as well as those of third and last sentences
The sentence also uses 'personification' as it represents 'history' as having human attributes.(History says)

3、On the one hand postmodern history, by erasing our rituals and ceremonies, has forced us to enter a linear time, a time which promises no renewal, no rising from the ashes of a new awareness.
答案:The writer uses personification as it represents 'time' as having human attributes.(不确定)

4、Ages arrives and blossom to fruition, then they wither and die, but inscribed in rituals was the hope that something new would be born from death.
答案:The writer uses paradox. The process described above involves two contrasting characteristics--death and newborn hope.

5、What do you know of the world beneath its bubbling surface? What can you know of the bubbles unless you comprehend the forces at work in the depths of the cauldron?
答案:The rhetorical device in this setence is analogy. It compares two things--world and bubbling water in cauldron-- which are alike in several respects, for the purpose of explaining some unfamiliar idea by showing how the idea is similar to some familiar one.

6、They broaden your thought, lengthen out your vistas, drive back the bounds of the field in which you work.
答案:The rhetorical device in this setence is 'parallelism' .(解释参考题1。).


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