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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-07 20:14



热心网友 时间:2024-01-21 21:51







Insurance brokers can not be mistakenly labeled as "middlemen", brokers do add value to clients.

Most of the innovation and technical improvements in the insurance instry are pioneered and can be attributed to the broker. Due to their close relationship with clients, they can often identify new opportunities and the need for new procts before insurance companies. The insurance market is constantly changing as a result of new developments in technology, e.g. aviation, satellite, nuclear, computer risks and various types of liability risks. If a broker does not think that standard procts from insurance companies are appropriate, he will write more suitable wordings and structure the cover and/or layer risks in order to suit the underwriting guidelines set by insurance companies.

The broker has to do far more than just place insurance. For large risks he often has to bring together a panel of insurers. It may also be necessary for the broker to undertake risk surveys, provide risk management services or help their clients implement non-traditional risk financing programmes.

From the clients' point of view, professional insurance brokers offer independent advice and professional help on a wide range of matters usually at no cost. The broker identifies their insurance needs, suggests the most appropriate cover, finds the best market, proces a claims procere, and explains the obligations placed on the insured by the policy conditions. For the vast majority of commercial insurance business, brokers provide an essential service to insurers. Negotiations with brokers are easier and more expedient as only the more intricate points or special requirements need to be discussed thus saving a lot of time, and therefore money, on routine matters.

Many ventures could not exist without the backing of insurance. The insurance instry could not exist, as we know it, without the broker. As a member of insurance brokers' instry of China, we should be proud of our contribution to society. Willis will not accept contingency compensation.
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