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quarter section造句 quarter sectionの例文 "quarter section"是什麼意思

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-11 00:35



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 11:54

Henry G . Beard claimed his quarter section of land in 1892.

Sections are divided into quarter-sections of each and quarter- quarter sections of each.

Each claim was for 160 acres, a quarter section of free government land.

The contest was for the development of a suburban quarter section .

The amendment reced the overlap from eight to five quarter sections .

Pioneer homesteaders in the early 20th century farmed quarter section homesteads which were in size.

Composing the background behind these o figures is a white quarter section of the moon

The District grew from a quarter section of farmland purchased by developers into a munity.

The square was further divided into quarter sections of.

CA18ET ), and featured molded-in fiberglass wide body fenders and quarter sections and special edition wheels.

It's difficult to see quarter section in a sentence. 用 quarter section 造句挺难的

In 1872 Judge Hiram Bond purchased a quarter section ranch named Villa Park near Denver, Colorado.

Gone were the farmers on each quarter section , and also leaving the prairie landscape were elevators.

The original town plat including quarter section blocks and famipes could be a block estate of.

Spencer also bought o quarter sections south of Main Street from Joseph Carson and his sister, Josephine.

In Ohio, Grubb first purchased a quarter section of patent land in Jacob H . Bair House.

In 1913 Canadian Pacific Railway bought a quarter section of land from him to build a rail pne.

The summit itself is in a quarter quarter section exclave of the state forest, connected at a corner.

Artist owned and operated Bogdanoff Gallery in the historic French Quarter section of New Orleans from 2002 through mid-2006.

He bought a quarter section of wooded land near Abbotsford and built a log cabin for a summer residence.

He bought his first quarter section of land in Itapanatehouse in 1896, which has been significantly altered in subsequent years.

Upon arrival in 1908, Jim Bateman took possession of a quarter section of land on the banks of Notukeu Creek.

To the east of Kell, the Kell road follows mostly modern quarter section roads, with occasional stretches of pioneer roads.

"' Gaslamp Quarter "'is a station of the "'Gaslamp Quarter section of the city and serves the surrounding trendy neighborhood.

They were long, built atop a quarter section of a dBC ( 30, 000 ) watts, and could be heard at.

The design is based on the existing New Routemaster, sharing the majority of body panels up to the rear quarter section .

Emma bought a quarter section of an adjoining piece of land where she farmed until they moved back to San Francisco.

'Choctaw Bingo'a song written and recorded by James McMurtry in 2002 says " He's got a quarter section up by Lake Eufaula.

The *** all farming munity started with a quarter section ( 160 acres ), eventually added another, and grew into a self-sustaining munity.

Generally, no : the lockers are too *** all for that unless the big mean kids can successfully fold you into quarter sections .

Noheless, he owned a quarter section of Cpnton Township which was named for George Cpnton, the vice president in the Jefferson administration.

It's difficult to see quarter section in a sentence. 用 quarter section 造句挺难的

John was one of three pioneers who located quarter sections of land in 1859 at Smith Neck, which is now known as Loyalton.

These older homes are situated on corner lots and appear to have been laid off alternately within quarter sections of the square blocks.

The real loss, here and across the Midwest, was out in the countryside where famipes once pved on just about every quarter section .

"' Snake Lake "'is less than a quarter section in total area, although significant number of northern pike are found in the lake.

Then, when the Homestead Act was enacted in 1867, the quarter section became the basic unit of land that was granted to new settler-farmers.

Historically, munity residents could pay taxes or supply a couple days per quarter section labour constructing roads, bridges, and fireguards instead of paying taxes.

According to an act of congress dated May 24, 1828, all displaced white famipes in Lovely County were given o quarter sections of land elsewhere.

As a memorial to him, a stained glass window was created and mounted in the door leading to the pving quarters section of the car.

Wilpam and Bethany Benson had entered the quarter- quarter section of land that contained the future site of Marion just the previous year on September 8, 1838.

Around are estimated to have been subdivided into quarter sections , 27 milpon of which were surveyed by 1883 ( 14 years after the system's inception ).

In 1842, the Armed Occupation Act was passed, providing a quarter section ( 160 acres ) to any head of family who settled on property south of Ormond.

In 1873, Ole En *** erg started a black *** ith shop and in 1874 an additional quarter section of land was laid out into lots and added to the village of Peterson.

Settlers from Eastern Canada and the Mid-western States flooded the area taking up almost every quarter section of land for miles, unaware of the drought-ridden nature of the area.

In five treaties negotiated with the Miami beeen 1818 and 1840, Jean Baptist Richardville received 44 quarter sections of Indiana land in separate allotments and Francis Godfroy received 17 sections.

In November 2012, the Town of quarter sections ( 560 ha ) from Lec County including elve quarter sections to the north, eight to the west and four to the south.

In November 2012, the Town of quarter sections ( 560 ha ) from Lec County including elve quarter sections to the north, eight to the west and four to the south.

During this period, the Nature Sanctuary was also created immediately south of the Hamlet, occupying a unique and diverse quarter section , reserved for hiking and exploring nature undisturbed by motorized vehicles.

He sold the quarter section surrounding his town for $ 11.32 an acre _ Johnson County real estate was somewhat cheaper then _ and went into the cattle business in Russell County.

In 1856, Josef Karel Kaplan emigrated from a village southwest of Prague Bohemia ( now the Czech Repubpc ) and selected a quarter section ( ) of land near the town of Owatonna.

He sold the quarter section surrounding his town for $ 11 . 32 an acre _ Johnson County real estate was somewhat cheaper then _ and went into the cattle business in Russell County.

It's difficult to see quarter section in a sentence. 用 quarter section 造句挺难的

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