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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-26 04:12



热心网友 时间:2024-08-21 07:55

Lionhearted - Porter Robinson
Flipping up the light trying
to survive this endless fire

If you shoot the down,
we can make it right, we'll make it right

And they light the sky
as they multiply, they multiply

No matter what they try,
they won't take away our will to fight
If you shoot them down,
we can make it right, we'll make it right

We broke the walls we guarded

For we don't care about it

We'll finish what we started

So promise me that

We'll be the lionhearted

For we don't care about it

We'll finish what we started

So promise me that they'll fall

So promise me that
No matter what they try,
they won't take away our will to fight

If the ship went down,
we can make it right, we'll make it right

And up against all odds,
take a thousand lives, a thousand lights

So if you shoot them down,
we can make it right, we'll make it right

We broke the walls we guarded

For we don't care about it

We'll finish what we started

So promise me that

We'll be the lionhearted

For we don't care about it

We'll finish what we started

So promise me that they'll fall

So promise me that they'll fall

We'll finish what we started
We'll be the lionhearted

We broke the walls we guarded
For we don't care about it
We'll finish what we started
We'll be the lionhearted
We broke the walls we guarded
So promise me that

We broke the walls we guarded

For we don't care about it

We'll finish what we started

So promise me that they'll fall追问谢谢了 不是这个

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