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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-24 23:57



热心网友 时间:2024-11-18 11:38

In the maritime transport process, the bill of lading as documents of title to deliver the goods, a carrier, against delivery of the original bill of lading submitted by the delivery of the goods is of course the most secure, most reliable approach. However, e to shipping technology and changes in modes of transport in the circulation to reach the completion of a full set of original bills of lading bill of lading holder's hands, the ship had arrived in the port of destination is often the carrier in order to shorten the ship in Hong Kong, improve shipping efficiency and to submit a copy of the virtue of delivery guarantee the delivery of goods, bills of lading and the shipping instry has become a customary practice for many years. Therefore, February 16, 2009 the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's first 1463 meeting, adopted the 《Supreme People's Court on the hearing the case without the original bill of lading to deliver the goods the provisions of the law applicable to a number of issues》 clear the relevant legal issues.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-18 11:38

In the maritime transport process, the bill of lading as documents of title to deliver the goods, a carrier, against delivery of the original bill of lading submitted by the delivery of the goods is of course the most secure, most reliable approach. However, e to shipping technology and changes in modes of transport in the circulation to reach the completion of a full set of original bills of lading bill of lading holder's hands, the ship had arrived in the port of destination is often the carrier in order to shorten the ship in Hong Kong, improve shipping efficiency and to submit a copy of the
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