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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-25 17:39



热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 07:29

11.Please make a mark where you have a qustion.
12.The factory that proces TVsets is not big.
13.The shop sells bikes is near our school.
14.He bought the same dictionary as yours.
15.India is one of the countries that have a great population
16.The reason why he didn't come to the meeting is that he was ill.
17.That's the reason he told me.
18.Don't approach the river whose banks are full of green grass.
19.He is the only student who has passed the exam.
20.We should learn from the students who study hard.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 07:30

please mark on the place where you have a problem.
the factory which proces TV sets is not big.
the shop which sells bikes is near our school.
he bought a dictionary which is the same to yours.
india is also one of the countries whose population is very large.
the reason why he didn't attend the meeting is that he was ill
this is the reason that he told me
you mustn't close to the rivers where there is lots of grass on their banks.
he is the only student that passed the exam.
we should learn from the students who study hard

热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 07:30

Mark on the place where you have a problem.
The factory that is manufacturing televisions is not large.
The shop that is selling bicycles is located near our school.
He bought a dictionary which is the same with yours.
India is also one of the countries which emcompass a large population.
He didn't attend this meeting with the reason that he was ill.
This is the reason why he told me.
You should better to stay from the rivers along which there're overgrown grasses.
He is the only student who pass the examination.
We should learn from those who study quite hard.
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