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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 00:33



热心网友 时间:2022-07-08 02:25



Who’s your English teacher ? Mr Carter.


What’s he like ? He’s tall and strong .


Is she quiet ? No, she isn’t. She’s very active.


Is she strict ? Yes, she is , but she’s very kind .

5 今天星期几? 星期二。

What day is it today ? It’s Tuesday.

6 星期二你们有什么课?

What do you have on Tuesdays ?

7 我们有数学和科学课。

We have math and science.

8 星期六你常常干些什么?

What do you do on Saturdays ?

9 我看电视做作业。

I watch TV and do homework.

10 你怎么样? 我也做作业。

What about you ? I do my homework, too.


What do you have for lunch on Mondays ?


We have tomatoes, potatoes and fish .


What’s your favourite fruit ?

14.我喜欢苹果. 它们甜甜的.

I like apples . They are sweet.

15.我喜欢水果. 但是我不喜欢葡萄. 它们酸酸的.

I like fruits. But I don’t grapes. They’re sour.


What do you have for lunch on Wednesday ?


I have rice and tofu .

18.你会干什么? 我会做饭。

What can you do ? I can cook the meals.

19 你会铺床吗? 不,我不会。

Can you make the bed ? No, I can’t.

20 你会扫地吗? 是的,我会。

Can you sweep the floor ? Yes, I can.

21 我房间里有一面镜子,两把椅子和一个大衣橱。

There is a mirror, two chairs and a big closet.

22 我家里有两间卧室,一间厨房和一间客厅。

There are two bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room.

23 衣橱在桌子旁边。

The closet is near the table.

24 许多衣服在衣橱里。

Many clothes are in the closet.

25 垃圾箱在门后。

The trash bin is behind the door.

26 公园里面有一个森林吗?是的,有。

Is there a forest in the park? Yes, there is.

27 有一条河吗? 不,没有。

Is there a river? No, there isn’t.

28 山里有熊猫吗? 不,没有。

Are there any pandas in the mountains? No, there aren’t.

29 河里有鱼吗?是的,有。Are there any fish in the river? Yes, there are.

热心网友 时间:2022-07-08 02:25



Who’s your English teacher ? Mr Carter.


What’s he like ? He’s tall and strong .


Is she quiet ? No, she isn’t. She’s very active.


Is she strict ? Yes, she is , but she’s very kind .

5 今天星期几? 星期二。

What day is it today ? It’s Tuesday.

6 星期二你们有什么课?

What do you have on Tuesdays ?

7 我们有数学和科学课。

We have math and science.

8 星期六你常常干些什么?

What do you do on Saturdays ?

9 我看电视做作业。

I watch TV and do homework.

10 你怎么样? 我也做作业。

What about you ? I do my homework, too.


What do you have for lunch on Mondays ?


We have tomatoes, potatoes and fish .


What’s your favourite fruit ?

14.我喜欢苹果. 它们甜甜的.

I like apples . They are sweet.

15.我喜欢水果. 但是我不喜欢葡萄. 它们酸酸的.

I like fruits. But I don’t grapes. They’re sour.


What do you have for lunch on Wednesday ?


I have rice and tofu .

18.你会干什么? 我会做饭。

What can you do ? I can cook the meals.

19 你会铺床吗? 不,我不会。

Can you make the bed ? No, I can’t.

20 你会扫地吗? 是的,我会。

Can you sweep the floor ? Yes, I can.

21 我房间里有一面镜子,两把椅子和一个大衣橱。

There is a mirror, two chairs and a big closet.

22 我家里有两间卧室,一间厨房和一间客厅。

There are two bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room.

23 衣橱在桌子旁边。

The closet is near the table.

24 许多衣服在衣橱里。

Many clothes are in the closet.

25 垃圾箱在门后。

The trash bin is behind the door.

26 公园里面有一个森林吗?是的,有。

Is there a forest in the park? Yes, there is.

27 有一条河吗? 不,没有。

Is there a river? No, there isn’t.

28 山里有熊猫吗? 不,没有。

Are there any pandas in the mountains? No, there aren’t.

29 河里有鱼吗?是的,有。Are there any fish in the river? Yes, there are

热心网友 时间:2022-07-08 02:26


Who’s your English teacher ? Mr Carter.


What’s he like ? He’s tall and strong .


Is she quiet ? No, she isn’t. She’s very active.


Is she strict ? Yes, she is , but she’s very kind .

5 今天星期几? 星期二。

What day is it today ? It’s Tuesday.

6 星期二你们有什么课?

What do you have on Tuesdays ?

7 我们有数学和科学课。

We have math and science.

8 星期六你常常干些什么?

What do you do on Saturdays ?

9 我看电视做作业。

I watch TV and do homework.

10 你怎么样? 我也做作业。

What about you ? I do my homework, too.


What do you have for lunch on Mondays ?


We have tomatoes, potatoes and fish .


What’s your favourite fruit ?

14.我喜欢苹果. 它们甜甜的.

I like apples . They are sweet.

15.我喜欢水果. 但是我不喜欢葡萄. 它们酸酸的.

I like fruits. But I don’t grapes. They’re sour.


What do you have for lunch on Wednesday ?


I have rice and tofu .

18.你会干什么? 我会做饭。

What can you do ? I can cook the meals.

19 你会铺床吗? 不,我不会。

Can you make the bed ? No, I can’t.

20 你会扫地吗? 是的,我会。

Can you sweep the floor ? Yes, I can.

21 我房间里有一面镜子,两把椅子和一个大衣橱。

There is a mirror, two chairs and a big closet.

22 我家里有两间卧室,一间厨房和一间客厅。

There are two bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room.

23 衣橱在桌子旁边。

The closet is near the table.

24 许多衣服在衣橱里。

Many clothes are in the closet.

25 垃圾箱在门后。

The trash bin is behind the door.

26 公园里面有一个森林吗?是的,有。

Is there a forest in the park? Yes, there is.

27 有一条河吗? 不,没有。

热心网友 时间:2022-07-08 02:26

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