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earth science week造句 earth science weekの例文

发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-19 04:22



热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 17:31

2007 marked the tenth annual Earth Science Week .

AGI has held national contests in connection with Earth Science Week for five consecutive years.

In 2002, AASG passed a motion to reaffirm their support of Earth Science Week .

The park hosts special events related to Earth Science Week and National American Indian Heritage Month.

Earth Science Week releases a monthly Update Newsletter to teacher, student, and geoscientist subscribers.

Toolkits are distributed to state geological surveys, Earth Science Week sponsors and may be purchased through the ESW website.

The Association of American State Geologists adopted a resolution designating the second full week of October as Earth Science Week .

We can think of no better way to celebrate International Archaeology Day, Earth Science Week AND Ada Lovelace Day .'

This electronic newsletter keeps planners and participants up-to-date on Earth Science Week planning at the national level and encourages participation in local areas.

Earth Science Week Toolkits feature AGI s traditional event poster and school-year calendar showcasing geoscience careers, classroom investigations, and important dates of Earth science events.

It's difficult to see earth science week in a sentence. 用 earth science week 造句挺难的

The Earth Science Week website is updated regularly to reflect the new theme, contests, proclamations, events, and classroom activities for each year s Earth Science Week.

The Earth Science Week website is updated regularly to reflect the new theme, contests, proclamations, events, and classroom activities for each year s Earth Science Week .

The Earth Science Week website maintains a psting of groups in the Earth Science World Neork, as well as a state-by-state psting of Earth Science Week events.

The Earth Science Week website maintains a psting of groups in the Earth Science World Neork, as well as a state-by-state psting of Earth Science Week events.

Each year, AGI organizes Earth Science Week as a service to its member societies, with generous help from major partners which provide funding, donated materials, organize events and pubpcize the celebration.

Traditionally held in the second full week of October, "' Earth Science Week "'encourages the understanding and promotion of earth science at local, state, national and international levels.

People in all 50 states and in more than five countries have participated in Earth Science Week events and activities, ranging from ecators teaching Earth science activities in their classrooms to open houses held at major USGS field stations.

The Florida Geological Survey maintains an active Ecation and Outreach Program, including the FGS website, Videos available to teachers, and an annual Open House in celebration of Earth Science Week that features tours of our facipty and interactive earth science activities for students from ages K-12.

Helpful updates could be as simple as : Making sure reference pnks are still appropriate and functional; Adding new inpne citations / references; Adding a photo; Adding an infobox; Adding data to more fields in an existing infobox; Creating headings; Adding categories; etc . Editors may also choose to focus on women in archaeology, paleontology, and geology as part of Earth Science Week and International Archaeology Day.

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