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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 01:03



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 01:37

With the rapid development of microelectronic technology, notebooks are becoming increasingly smaller, and the heating power is increased year by year. Therefore, laptop cooling system design notebook design has become an important problem. Based on the known specifications of the notebook computer analysis, to meet the cooling requirements of the premise, as notebook computers designed cooling moles.
This article first personal computer cooling technology and history are reviewed, and personal computers, introced the development of cooling technology. Notebook computers and then applied to the thermal design of heat transfer theory outlined at the same time, the design of the cooling mole in this paper the main components are introced. Finally, to the specifications of the notebook for cooling mole design. Analysis of notebook cooling natural convection and radiation intensity, the computer demand forced convection heat loss, through the analysis of board layout and heat transfer calculation to determine the heat pipe heat sink fan, as well as specifications.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 01:38

... ...楼上居然用Google翻译... ...

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 01:38

With the rapid development of microelectronic technology, notebooks are becoming increasingly smaller, and the heating power is increased year by year. Therefore, laptop cooling system design notebook design has become an important problem. Based on the known specifications of the notebook computer analysis, to meet the cooling requirements of the premise, as notebook computers designed cooling moles.
This article first personal computer cooling technology and history are reviewed, and personal computers, introced the development of cooling technology. Notebook computers and then applied to the thermal design of heat transfer theory outlined at the same time, the design of the cooling mole in this paper the main components are introced. Finally, to the specifications of the notebook for cooling mole design. Analysis of notebook cooling natural convection and radiation intensity, the computer demand forced convection heat loss, through the analysis of board layout and heat transfer calculation to determine the heat pipe heat sink fan, as well as specifications.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 01:39


干脆大家跟帖算哦 =。=’

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 01:37

With the rapid development of microelectronic technology, notebooks are becoming increasingly smaller, and the heating power is increased year by year. Therefore, laptop cooling system design notebook design has become an important problem. Based on the known specifications of the notebook computer analysis, to meet the cooling requirements of the premise, as notebook computers designed cooling moles.
This article first personal computer cooling technology and history are reviewed, and personal computers, introced the development of cooling technology. Notebook computers and then applied to the thermal design of heat transfer theory outlined at the same time, the design of the cooling mole in this paper the main components are introced. Finally, to the specifications of the notebook for cooling mole design. Analysis of notebook cooling natural convection and radiation intensity, the computer demand forced convection heat loss, through the analysis of board layout and heat transfer calculation to determine the heat pipe heat sink fan, as well as specifications.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 01:38

... ...楼上居然用Google翻译... ...

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 01:38

With the rapid development of microelectronic technology, notebooks are becoming increasingly smaller, and the heating power is increased year by year. Therefore, laptop cooling system design notebook design has become an important problem. Based on the known specifications of the notebook computer analysis, to meet the cooling requirements of the premise, as notebook computers designed cooling moles.
This article first personal computer cooling technology and history are reviewed, and personal computers, introced the development of cooling technology. Notebook computers and then applied to the thermal design of heat transfer theory outlined at the same time, the design of the cooling mole in this paper the main components are introced. Finally, to the specifications of the notebook for cooling mole design. Analysis of notebook cooling natural convection and radiation intensity, the computer demand forced convection heat loss, through the analysis of board layout and heat transfer calculation to determine the heat pipe heat sink fan, as well as specifications.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 01:39


干脆大家跟帖算哦 =。=’
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