发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 00:59
懂视网 时间:2022-09-05 11:04
There comes a time when we heed a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
And its time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all
We cant go on pretending day by day
That someone, somewhere will soon make a change
We are all a part of Gods great big family
And the truth, you know
Love is all we need
We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So lets start giving
Theres a choice were making
Were saving our own lives
Its true well make a better day
Just you and me
Send them your heart so theyll know that someone cares
And their lives will be stronger and free
As God has shown us by turning stone to bread
And so we all must lend a helping hand
We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So lets start giving
Theres a choice were making
Were saving our own lives
Its true well make a better day
Just you and me
When youre down and out, there seems no hope at all
But if you just believe theres no way we can fall
Well well well
Lets realize that a change can only come
When we stand together as one
We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So lets start giving
Theres a choice were making
Were saving our own lives
Its true well make a better day
Just you and me
We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So lets start giving
Theres a choice were making
Were saving our own lives
Its true well make a better day
Just you and me
We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So lets start giving
Theres a choice were making
Were saving our own lives
Its true well make a better day
Just you and me
We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So lets start giving
Theres a choice were making
Were saving our own lives
Its true well make a better day
Just you and me
We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So lets start giving
Theres a choice were making
Were saving our own lives
Its true well make a better day
Just you and me
We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So lets start giving
So lets start giving
Theres a choice were making
Were saving our own lives
Its true well make a better day
Just you and me
We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So lets start giving
Theres a choice were making
Were saving our own lives
Its true well make a better day
Just you and me
We are the world, we are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So lets start giving
Theres a choice were making
Were saving our own lives
Its true well make a better day
Just you and me
We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So lets start giving
Theres a choice were making
Were saving our own lives
热心网友 时间:2023-12-17 04:35
音乐: のken推荐 周杰伦:《周大侠》《青花瓷》《我很忙》《我不配》《扯》《牛仔很忙》《彩虹》《千山万水》《钢琴》王力宏:《我们的歌》《改变自己》《落叶归根》《你是我心内的一首歌》《星期六的深夜》王菲:《红豆》《我愿意》《给自己的情书》《容易受伤的女人》《执迷不悔》《笑忘书》《暧昧》《流年》 王心凌:《Hihi Byebye》《DA DA DA》《飞天小女警》《飘飘》《彩虹的微笑》《这就是爱》《还是好朋友》S.H.E :《中国话》《7仔》《爱来过》《*》《离开我》《让自己亮起来》《酸甜》《红遍全球》林俊杰:《期待爱》《期待你的爱》《杀手》《西界》《爱与希望》《听见幸福》《点一把火炬》张韶涵:《亲爱的那不是爱情》《不想懂得》《我恋爱了》《乐园》《*的翅膀》《亲爱的那不是爱情》陈奕迅:《爱情转移》《十年》《富士山下》《K歌之王》《不要说话》蔡依林:《日不落》《桃花源》《倒带》《爱情任务》《一个人》《乖乖牌》孙燕姿:《另个世界》《懂得》《复活》《rise》《单色调》《流泪的感觉》《谎言》《热恋》南拳妈妈:《笑着流泪》《牡丹江》《香草吧噗》《不该结束》《暗奏》《水晶蜻蜓》《人鱼的眼泪》刘德华: 《投名状》《不是我的我不要》《断了翅膀的天使》《冰雨》《一晚长大》《一只蜗牛的异想世界》飞轮海:《至少还有我》《新窝》《为你存在》《只对你有感觉》《出神入化》《双面飞轮海》《在水一方》萧亚轩《冲动》《类似爱情》《速配程度》《两个人的寂寞》《More More More》《我的男朋友》5566:《心如刀割》《我的背后》《喝采北京》《月儿光光》《守候》《原点》《好久不见》梁静茹:《会呼吸的痛》《暖暖》《生命中不可承受的轻》《崇拜》《原来你也唱过我的歌》《我决定》李玖哲《想太多》《你好吗》《围墙》《退后》《快点来爱我》陶 喆:《普通朋友》《自导自演的悲剧》《黑色柳丁》《寂寞的季节》《每一面都美》郑 源:《我不恨你》《为爱停留》《等》《曾经爱过你》《幸福恋人》《怎么会狠心伤害我》BOBO:《开场曲》《大明星》《世界之大》《双城》《电台转台》《一米阳光》《光荣》《怎么爱》《恋爱新手》 阿 杜:《差一点》《撒野》《天黑》《撕夜》《andy》 胡彦斌:《男人KTV》《尴尬》《红颜》《make friend》《梦中的婚礼》《愿望》《葬英雄》 周渝民:《爱上这世界》《为何你不来》《熟悉的温柔》《他是谁》《完美偶像》《我不是F4》《一加一》凤凰传奇:《自由飞翔》《一代天骄》《等爱的玫瑰》《月亮之上》弦 子:《舍不得》《反方向》《第三者的第三者》《无可取代》《蒙娜丽莎》《以为》★欧美:のken推荐玛利雅.凯莉:《Touch My Body》《HERO》《byebye》《migrate》《We Belong Together》艾薇儿:《When You're Gone》《Girlfriend》《Complicated》小甜甜布兰妮:《Piece Of Me》《Gimme More》《Baby One More》《TimeLucky》vitas:《星星》《歌剧2》《永恒的吻》后街男孩:《Unbreakable》《As Long As You Love Me》《I Want It That Way》《My love 》糖果盒子:《That night》《Life Is Cool》《libertychyna girl》 舞动精灵乐团::《god is a girl》《far away from home》Mariah :Carey《for the record》《bye bye》《Touch My Body》《Migrate》Madonna:《4 minutes》《give it 2 me》《miles away》《she's not me》《Devil Wouldn't Recognize You》Janet Jackson:《Rollercoaster》《rock with U》《feedback》Coldplay:《Violet Hill 》《Viva La Vida》《42》《Lost》《Yes》Jesse A. McCartney:《Leavin'》《Told you so》《Bleeding love》《How do you sleep》《Not your enemy》Ashlee Nicole Simpson:《Outta My Head》《Little Miss Obsessive》《Never Dream Alone》Linkin Park:《We Made It》Rihanna:《Take A Bow》西域男孩:《my love》《lay my love on you》《season in the sun》《I Have A Dream》麦当娜:《Open Your Heart》《Music》★日韩:のken推荐安七炫: 《面具》《二十三》《The Best》《垃圾》《望情树》《北极星愿》郑智薰:《命运(浪漫满屋)》《手记》《坏男人》张佑赫:《不落的太阳》《暴风中》《舞炫神迷》蔡妍:《两个人》《My Love》《危险的演出》《爱人》李贞贤:《阿里阿里》《发疯》《疯掉》《独一无二》《换掉》幸田来未:《anytime》《Amai Wana》仓木*:《I Like it Like that》《今晚你离我很近》《Kiss》《Time after time》简美妍:《kiss》《When the white eye gets off》李孝利:《10 MINUTES》 《Toc Toc Toc》《不要爱她》《any club》《dont cry》神话:《很漂亮嘛》《run》《只在一次》《Voyage》《We Can Get In On》★纯音乐:のken推荐《Kiss The Rain》《神秘园之歌》《天空之城》《再见* 》《卡农》《夏日香气》《迷情仙境》《Tears》《dream catcher》《被遗忘的天使》《我在那一角落患过伤风》还有更多好歌,免费网址: http://mp3.gougou.com/热心网友 时间:2023-12-17 04:35
1. 魔杰座<周杰伦> 2. 小酒窝<林俊杰 蔡卓妍> 3. 寂寞还是你<萧敬腾>热心网友 时间:2023-12-17 04:36
都是今年最流行 希望楼主喜欢~热心网友 时间:2023-12-17 04:37
玛利亚,触电—劲舞的,支离破碎,大傻瓜,王子的新衣,想太多,不爱拉倒,never热心网友 时间:2023-12-17 04:37
我只能回答你中文的歌曲。热心网友 时间:2023-12-17 04:35
音乐: のken推荐 周杰伦:《周大侠》《青花瓷》《我很忙》《我不配》《扯》《牛仔很忙》《彩虹》《千山万水》《钢琴》王力宏:《我们的歌》《改变自己》《落叶归根》《你是我心内的一首歌》《星期六的深夜》王菲:《红豆》《我愿意》《给自己的情书》《容易受伤的女人》《执迷不悔》《笑忘书》《暧昧》《流年》 王心凌:《Hihi Byebye》《DA DA DA》《飞天小女警》《飘飘》《彩虹的微笑》《这就是爱》《还是好朋友》S.H.E :《中国话》《7仔》《爱来过》《*》《离开我》《让自己亮起来》《酸甜》《红遍全球》林俊杰:《期待爱》《期待你的爱》《杀手》《西界》《爱与希望》《听见幸福》《点一把火炬》张韶涵:《亲爱的那不是爱情》《不想懂得》《我恋爱了》《乐园》《*的翅膀》《亲爱的那不是爱情》陈奕迅:《爱情转移》《十年》《富士山下》《K歌之王》《不要说话》蔡依林:《日不落》《桃花源》《倒带》《爱情任务》《一个人》《乖乖牌》孙燕姿:《另个世界》《懂得》《复活》《rise》《单色调》《流泪的感觉》《谎言》《热恋》南拳妈妈:《笑着流泪》《牡丹江》《香草吧噗》《不该结束》《暗奏》《水晶蜻蜓》《人鱼的眼泪》刘德华: 《投名状》《不是我的我不要》《断了翅膀的天使》《冰雨》《一晚长大》《一只蜗牛的异想世界》飞轮海:《至少还有我》《新窝》《为你存在》《只对你有感觉》《出神入化》《双面飞轮海》《在水一方》萧亚轩《冲动》《类似爱情》《速配程度》《两个人的寂寞》《More More More》《我的男朋友》5566:《心如刀割》《我的背后》《喝采北京》《月儿光光》《守候》《原点》《好久不见》梁静茹:《会呼吸的痛》《暖暖》《生命中不可承受的轻》《崇拜》《原来你也唱过我的歌》《我决定》李玖哲《想太多》《你好吗》《围墙》《退后》《快点来爱我》陶 喆:《普通朋友》《自导自演的悲剧》《黑色柳丁》《寂寞的季节》《每一面都美》郑 源:《我不恨你》《为爱停留》《等》《曾经爱过你》《幸福恋人》《怎么会狠心伤害我》BOBO:《开场曲》《大明星》《世界之大》《双城》《电台转台》《一米阳光》《光荣》《怎么爱》《恋爱新手》 阿 杜:《差一点》《撒野》《天黑》《撕夜》《andy》 胡彦斌:《男人KTV》《尴尬》《红颜》《make friend》《梦中的婚礼》《愿望》《葬英雄》 周渝民:《爱上这世界》《为何你不来》《熟悉的温柔》《他是谁》《完美偶像》《我不是F4》《一加一》凤凰传奇:《自由飞翔》《一代天骄》《等爱的玫瑰》《月亮之上》弦 子:《舍不得》《反方向》《第三者的第三者》《无可取代》《蒙娜丽莎》《以为》★欧美:のken推荐玛利雅.凯莉:《Touch My Body》《HERO》《byebye》《migrate》《We Belong Together》艾薇儿:《When You're Gone》《Girlfriend》《Complicated》小甜甜布兰妮:《Piece Of Me》《Gimme More》《Baby One More》《TimeLucky》vitas:《星星》《歌剧2》《永恒的吻》后街男孩:《Unbreakable》《As Long As You Love Me》《I Want It That Way》《My love 》糖果盒子:《That night》《Life Is Cool》《libertychyna girl》 舞动精灵乐团::《god is a girl》《far away from home》Mariah :Carey《for the record》《bye bye》《Touch My Body》《Migrate》Madonna:《4 minutes》《give it 2 me》《miles away》《she's not me》《Devil Wouldn't Recognize You》Janet Jackson:《Rollercoaster》《rock with U》《feedback》Coldplay:《Violet Hill 》《Viva La Vida》《42》《Lost》《Yes》Jesse A. McCartney:《Leavin'》《Told you so》《Bleeding love》《How do you sleep》《Not your enemy》Ashlee Nicole Simpson:《Outta My Head》《Little Miss Obsessive》《Never Dream Alone》Linkin Park:《We Made It》Rihanna:《Take A Bow》西域男孩:《my love》《lay my love on you》《season in the sun》《I Have A Dream》麦当娜:《Open Your Heart》《Music》★日韩:のken推荐安七炫: 《面具》《二十三》《The Best》《垃圾》《望情树》《北极星愿》郑智薰:《命运(浪漫满屋)》《手记》《坏男人》张佑赫:《不落的太阳》《暴风中》《舞炫神迷》蔡妍:《两个人》《My Love》《危险的演出》《爱人》李贞贤:《阿里阿里》《发疯》《疯掉》《独一无二》《换掉》幸田来未:《anytime》《Amai Wana》仓木*:《I Like it Like that》《今晚你离我很近》《Kiss》《Time after time》简美妍:《kiss》《When the white eye gets off》李孝利:《10 MINUTES》 《Toc Toc Toc》《不要爱她》《any club》《dont cry》神话:《很漂亮嘛》《run》《只在一次》《Voyage》《We Can Get In On》★纯音乐:のken推荐《Kiss The Rain》《神秘园之歌》《天空之城》《再见* 》《卡农》《夏日香气》《迷情仙境》《Tears》《dream catcher》《被遗忘的天使》《我在那一角落患过伤风》还有更多好歌,免费网址: http://mp3.gougou.com/热心网友 时间:2023-12-17 04:36
1. 魔杰座<周杰伦> 2. 小酒窝<林俊杰 蔡卓妍> 3. 寂寞还是你<萧敬腾>热心网友 时间:2023-12-17 04:36
都是今年最流行 希望楼主喜欢~热心网友 时间:2023-12-17 04:37
玛利亚,触电—劲舞的,支离破碎,大傻瓜,王子的新衣,想太多,不爱拉倒,never热心网友 时间:2023-12-17 04:37