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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-19 14:38



热心网友 时间:2023-11-26 00:16



  The University of Nebraska–Lincoln, often referred to as Nebraska, UNL or NU, is a public research university in the city of Lincoln, in the state of Nebraska in the Midwestern United States. It is the state's oldest university, and the largest in the University of Nebraska system.The stategrant university under the 1862 Morrill Act, two years after Nebraska's statehoo legislature chartered the university in 1869 as a land-d into the United States. Around the turn of the 20th century, the university began to expand significantly, hiring professors from eastern schools to teach in the newly organized professional colleges while also procing groundbreaking research in agricultural sciences. The "Nebraska method" of ecological study developed here ring this time pioneered grassland ecology and laid the foundation for research in theoretical ecology for the rest of the 20th century.[7][8] The university is organized into eight colleges on two campuses in Lincoln with over 100 classroom buildings and research facilities.



  The University of Nebraska was created by an act of the Nebraska state legislature in 1869, two years after the State of Nebraska was admitted into the U.S. The law passed in 1869 creating the university described its aims: "The object of such institution shall be to afford to the inhabitants of the state the means of acquiring a thorough knowledge of the various branches of literature, science, and the arts."The school received an initial land grant of about 130,000 acres (53,000 ha) and the campus construction began with the building of University Hall in its first year. By 1873, the University of Nebraska had offered its first two degrees to its first graating class.The school remained small and suffered from a lack of funds until about 20 years after its founding, when its high school programs were taken over by a new state ecation system. From 1890 to 1895 enrollment rose from 384 to about 1,500. A law school and a graate school were also created at about this time period, making it the first school west of the Mississippi to establish a graate school. By 1897, the school was 15th in the nation in total enrollment.

  内布拉斯加州大学是内布拉斯加州立法机关在1869年由内布拉斯加州立法机关颁布的,内布拉斯加州入境美国两年后创立的。1869年通过的法律规定了大学的目标:该机构的宗旨是向国家的居民提供了获取文学,科学和艺术各个部门的全面知识的手段。 学校获得了约13万英亩(53,000公顷)的初始土地拨款,校园建设始于大学大楼第一年的建设。到了1873年,内布拉斯加大学为其第一个毕业班提供了前两个学位。学校规模很小,直到成立20年后才缺少资金,高中课程被新的国家教育体系所接管。从1890年到1895年,招生人数从384人增加到1500人左右。大约在这段时间,还建立了一所法学院和一所研究生院,成为密西西比州西部第一所建立研究生院的学校。到1897年,学校在全国招生总数中排名第15位。

  Through the turn of the 20th century, the school struggled to find an identity as both a pragmatic, frontier establishment and an academic, intellectual institution. It also developed a competitive spirit in the form of a debate team, a football team (first called the Cornhuskers in 1901), and the arrival of fraternities and sororities. In 1913–14, a fierce debate ensued over whether to keep the University in downtown Lincoln or to move it out of town. The issue was not resolved until a statewide referenm sided with the downtown plan. After purchasing property downtown, the school experienced a building boom, both on the new property and on the farming campus. The school would not experience another boom until the late 1940s, when the sudden arrival of thousands of soldiers returning from the war for an ecation forced the school to seek further expansion.

  在20世纪之交,内布拉斯加大学林肯分校努力寻求既是一个务实的边界,励志成为一个又是一个学术的,又是知识的机构。内布拉斯加大学林肯分校还以辩论队、足球队(1901年首先称为Cornhuskers)和兄弟会和姐妹会的到来形成了竞争精神。1913 - 14年间,是否要把林肯大学留在林肯市中心,还是把它搬出了城市,引起了激烈的争论。这个问题没有解决,直到全州公民投票站在市中心的计划。学校购置市中心之后,学校在新的财产和农业校园都经历了建设热潮。直到20世纪40年代末,当数千名从战争中返回的士兵突然到达教育之后,学校才会再度出现繁荣,迫使学校进一步扩大。

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