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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-19 13:09



热心网友 时间:2024-06-12 21:00

Allow more people to participate in the Olympic Games.

Together with the Olympic Games, with legend.

Olympics in the relay in the transmission of civilization.

Garbage not fall, and civilization in their hands.

Do not do not refrain from doing good, not to small and not for evil.

And civilizations together, and act responsibly and peers.

China Welcomes the Olympics, stressing civilization, and fostering new practices.

Awareness to let the Olympic in Beijing, let the world about China.

Have friends from afar,不亦乐乎.

Four Seas are brothers

热心网友 时间:2024-06-12 21:01

Allow more people to participate in the Olympic Games.
Together with the Olympic Games, with association.
Olympics in the relay in the transmission of civilization.
Garbage not fall, and civilization in their hands.
Do not do not refrain from doing good, not to small and not for evil.
And civilizations together, and act responsibly and peers.
China Welcomes the Olympics, stressing civilization, and fostering new practices.
Awareness to let the Olympic in Beijing, let the world about China.
It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar.
Four Seas are brothers


热心网友 时间:2024-06-12 21:01

Allow more people to participate in the Olympic Games.
Together with the Olympic Games, with legend.
Olympics in the relay in the transmission of civilization.
Garbage not fall, and civilization in their hands.
Do not do not refrain from doing good, not to small and not for evil. And civilizations together, and act responsibly and peers.
China Welcomes the Olympics, stressing civilization, and fostering new practices.
Awareness to let the Olympic in Beijing, let the world about China. Have friends from afar.
Four Seas are brothers

热心网友 时间:2024-06-12 21:02

Let more ginseng and Olympic Games.
Olympic Games associates together.
Olympic Games is connecting dint, the civilization is delivering.
The garbage doesn't fall to the ground, the civilization is in hand medium.
Not with kind small but not is, not with bad small but not is.
It is as concomitant as civilization, go together with social ethics.
Face Olympic Games, speak civilization, the tree new breeze.
Allow Olympic Games to know Peking, make the world known China.
There is a companion coming from afar, not as well happy.
The four seas all brothers

热心网友 时间:2024-06-12 21:02

Allow more people to participate in the Olympic Games.

Together with the Olympic Games, with legend.

Olympics in the relay in the transmission of civilization.

Garbage not fall, and civilization in their hands.

Do not do not refrain from doing good, not to small and not for evil.

And civilizations together, and act responsibly and peers.

China Welcomes the Olympics, stressing civilization, and fostering new practices.

Awareness to let the Olympic in Beijing, let the world about China.

It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar.

Four Seas are brothers
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