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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-27 13:37



热心网友 时间:2024-08-28 17:41

As China's economic development particularly in the establishment of a socialist market economy, the property of indivial citizens more and more, continues to expand the scope of the property, property relations between the increasingly complex. At the same time, as China's divorce rate is increasing year by year, the marriage has shown a degree of stability in a straight line downward trend in the divorce case involving the division of matrimonial property has become the ultimate focus on the core dispute of the court. In the face of modern society, marriage and the characteristics of the ever-increasing property litigation, we should be thinking to the question: pre-marriage property notarization of China's marriage of the significance and impact of the group, how do we break through the shackles of the traditional concept of rationality to accept the legal protection .

热心网友 时间:2024-08-28 17:41

As China's economic development particularly in the establishment of a socialist market economy, the property of indivial citizens more and more, continues to expand the scope of the property, property relations between the increasingly complex. At the same time, as China's divorce rate is increasing year by year, the marriage has shown a degree of stability in a straight line downward trend in the divorce case involving the division of matrimonial property has become the ultimate focus on the core dispute of the court. In the face of modern society, marriage and the characteristics of the ever-increasing property litigation, to think that we should question: pre-marriage property notarization of China's marriage of the significance and impact of the group, How do we break through the shackles of traditional concepts to legal protection and rational.
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