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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-26 11:21



热心网友 时间:2024-03-16 06:49

At the nighttime, the grass, wood, piece of stone of the ground etc. object because of radiating calories outwardly, their temperatures want to decline
Low, be temperature to decline to a dewdrop, the steam in the nearby air of the ground object attains saturation then.If the dewdrop is high in
0 Celsius degree, the steam can become small drop of water in the superficial coagulation of the object of ground, this is the 露 .If the dewdrop is low in
0 Celsius degree, the steam then wants in the object of ground to condense a water ice grain superficially and directly, this is frost.
If in nighttime not only the temperature of top object in the ground declined to dewdrop the following, and ground above and slightly distance of
The air temperature also declined to a dewdrop, so the steam in the air will take st as core to condense small drop of water,
This would is fog.
When the temperature of high and air air declines to dewdrop the following, if the dewdrop is high in 0 degrees, the steam in the air is in the st
Condense small drop of water to would be cloud on the 埃 , but coagulation's becoming bigger drop of water is rain.If the dewdrop is low in 0 degrees,
The steam in the air then will condense snow directly on the st.
Can know from here, 露 , frost and fog all not from the day but decline of, but the steam in neighborhood air in the ground reaches
Condense directly while arriving saturation but become of.Only snow and rain is from the day but decline of, is water in the high and air air
The fume attains saturation hour condense but become.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-16 06:49

At the nighttime, the grass, wood, piece of stone of the ground etc. object because of radiating calories outwardly, their temperatures want to decline
Low, be temperature to decline to a dewdrop, the steam in the nearby air of the ground object attains saturation then.If the dewdrop is high in
0 Celsius degree, the steam can become small drop of water in the superficial coagulation of the object of ground, this is the water.If the dewdrop is low in
0 Celsius degree, the steam then wants in the object of ground to condense a water ice grain superficially and directly, this is frost.
If in nighttime not only the temperature of top object in the ground declined to dewdrop the following, and ground above and slightly distance of
The air temperature also declined to a dewdrop, so the steam in the air will take st as core to condense small drop of water,
This would is fog.
When the temperature of high and air air declines to dewdrop the following, if the dewdrop is high in 0 degrees, the steam in the air is in the st
Condense small drop of water to would be cloud on the sky , but coagulation's becoming bigger drop of water is rain.If the dewdrop is low in 0 degrees,
The steam in the air then will condense snow directly on the st.
Can know from here, frost and fog all not from the day but decline of, but the steam in neighborhood air in the ground reaches
Condense directly while arriving saturation but become of.Only snow and rain is from the day but decline of, is water in the high and air air
The fume attains saturation hour condense but become.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-16 06:49

At the nighttime, the grass,wood,piece of stone of the ground etc. object because of radiating calories outwardly, their temperature wants to decline
Low, be temperature to decline to a dewdrop, the ground object steam within nearby air attains saturation then.If the dewdrop is high in
0 Celsius degrees, the steam can become small drop of water in the superficial coagulation of the object of the ground, this be the dew.If the dewdrop is low in
0 Celsius degrees, the steam then wants in the object of the ground to condense the water ice grain superficially and directly, this is frost.
If in nighttime not only the temperature of top object in ground declined to the dewdrop the following, and the ground is a distant place above and slightly
The air temperature also declined to a dewdrop, so the steam in the air will take st as core to condense small drop of water,
This woulds be fog.
When the temperature of the high and air air declines to the dewdrop the following, if the dewdrop is high in 0 degrees, the steam in the air condenses small drop of water to would be cloud on the st, but condense bigger drop of water is rain.If the dewdrop is low in 0 degrees,
The steam in the air then will condense snow directly on the st.
Can know from here, the dew,frost and fog all not from the day but decline of, but the steam in nearby air in ground reach
Arrive saturation direct condense but become of.Only snow and rain just from the day but decline of, is the water in the high and air air
The fume attain saturation hour condense but become.
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