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Dixie Chicks的《I Like It》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-27 16:18



热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 20:12

歌曲名:I Like It
歌手:Dixie Chicks
专辑:Taking The Long Way

I Like it
Dixie Chicks
Taking the Long Way
Some people think I\'m crazy
But try to understand
I get satisfaction
Out of everything I can
The losers and the winners
The laughter and the tears
The noises of the day to day
Is music to my ears
And I like it
Yeah I like it, whooa
Gonna live it up this time
And dance like the song is never ending
Gonna get so high tonight
You won\'t be able to bring me down
Cause I like it
Yeah, I like it
Driving down the highway
The wind is in my hair
And if I hit a traffic jam
I swear that I won\'t care
Living the lows
Makes the highs that much higher
And the sun will shine through
The smoke and fire of love
Whooa, love
Gonna ride this merry-go-round
And dance like the night is never ending
Gonna get so high on life
You won\'t be able to bring me down
Cause I like it
Yeah, I like it
Oh, baby, I like it
Whooa, I like it
A sea couldn\'t wash away
The happiness I\'ve come to find since love
Has taught me how to break
Break these chains that hold me back
Noisy streets and the sleepy bars
And the neon signs and the rusty cars
How many nights have I wondered how
One goes through life without seeing the beauty of love
Whooa, the beauty of love
Gonna live it up in this town
And dance like the song is never ending
Gonna get so high tonight
You won\'t be able to bring me down
And I like it
Yeah, I like it
Whooa, baby, I like it
Oh, yeah, I like it
(That\'s the beauty of life)

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