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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 03:49



热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 01:13

Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from?
be from= come from 来自...
pen pal=pen friend 笔友
like and dislike 好恶;爱憎
live in….在...居住
speak English 讲英语
play sports 做体育运动
a little French 一些法语
go to the movies 去看电影
an action movie 一部动作片
on weekends 在周末
Excuse me 对不起,打扰
get to 到达、抵达
beginning of 在...开始的时候
at the end of 在...结束的时候
arrive at /
(1)、Where主 +be+主语+from?
(2)、Where do/does+主语+live?
主语+live/lives in…
(3)、What language do/does +主语+speak?
1-Where is your pen pal from?
-He’s from China.
2-Where does she live?
--She lives in Tokyo.
3-Does she speak English?
-Yes,she does/No,she dosen’t.
4-Is that your new pen pal?
-Yes,he is /No,he isn’t.
5-What language does she speak?
-She speaks English.
Unit 2 Where’s the post office
post office 邮局
pay phone 投币式公用电话
next to 在...隔壁
across from 在...对面
in front of 在...前面
between…and… 在...和...之间
on a street 在街上
in the neighborhood 在附近
on the right/left 在右边/在左边
on one’s right/left 在某人的右边/左边
turn right/left 向右/左转
take a walk 散步
have fun 玩得开心
the way to …去...的路
take a taxi 打的/乘出租车
go down(along)…沿着...走
go through...穿过...
have a good trip 旅途愉快
(1)、Is there a bank near here?
Yes,there is .It’s on Centre Street.
No,there isn’t.
(2)、Where’s the sumpermarket?
It’s next to the library.
(3)、Bridge Street is a good place to have fun.
(4)、I hope you have a good trip.
(5)、If you are hungry,you can buy food in the restaurant.
(6)、Talk a walk though the park..
Do you enoy(=like) your work?
Do you enjoy(=like) living in the city?
(1)、Is there a ….?句型Eg:
-Excuse me.Is there a hotel in the neighborhood.
-Yes, there is. No.there isn’t
(2)、Where is …?句型Eg:
-Where is the park,please?
-It’s behind the bank.(肯定回答)
-I’m sorry I don’t know. (否定回答)
(3)、Which is the way to +地点? 句型.例如:
- Which is the way to the library.
(4)、How can I get to +地点?句型.例如:
-How can I get to the restaurant?
(5)、Can you tell me the way to +地点?句型.例
- Can you tell me the way to the post office?
(6)、Let me tell you the way to my house.
(7)、Just go straight and turn left.

Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?
want to do sth .想要做某事
want sb to do sth 想要某做某事
want sth 想要某物
Let sb do sth 让某人做某事
kind of 有几分\种类
a kind of 一种…
…years old …年龄 如:ten years old 十岁
like to do sth 喜欢做某事
like doing sth
play with … 与...一起玩
be quiet 安静
ring the day 在白天
at night 在夜间
have a look at.. 看...
one…the other 一个...另一个...
(1)、-why do you like pandas?
-Because they’re very cure.
(2)、-Why dose he like koalas?
-Because they are kind of interesting.
(3)、-Where are lions from?
-Lions are from South Africa.
(4)、-What animals do you like?
-I like elephants.
(1)、-Let’s see the lions.
(2)-Why do you want to see the lions?
-Becase they are very cute.
(3)-Do you like giraffes?
Yes,I do./ No,I don’t
(4)-What other animal do you like?
_I like dogs.too
other+ 名词的复数.表示没有特定的数量范围
the other+名词的复数表示有特定的数量范围.

(5)-Why are you looking at me?
-Because you are very cute.
(6)-Let us play games. –Great!
Let me see.
Unit 4 I want to be an actor.
want to be+职业 想要成为。。。
shop assistant 店员
bank clerk 银行职员
work with 与。。。一起工作
work hard 努力工作
work for 为。。。而工作
work as 作为。。而工作
get.. from…从。。。获得。。。
give sth.to.sb /give.sb.sth 把某物给某人
正确的表示:give it/them to sb.
错误的表示:give sb.it/them
in the day 在白天
at night 在夜间
talk to /with 与…讲话
go out to dinners 外出吃饭
in a hospital 在医院
newspaper reporter 报社记者
movie actor 电影演员
(1)-What do/does+某人+do?
例:-What do you do?-I’m a student.
-What dose he do? He’s a teacher.
(2)-What do/does+某人+want to be?
例:What do you want to be?-I want to be a teacher.
-What does she want to be ?She want to be a nuser.
(3)-Where does your sister work?
-She works in a hospital.
(4)-Does he work in the hospiat
Yes.he does/No,he doesn’t
(5)-Does she work late?
-Yes,she does/No.she doesn’t
What do/does …do?
What is…? What is your father?
What’s one’s job?例:What’s your father’s job?

Unit 5 I’m watching TV.
do homework 做家庭作业
watch TV 看电视
eat dinner 吃饭;就餐
clean the room 打扫房间
read newspaper/a book 看报纸/看书
go to the movies 看电影
write a letter 写信
wait for 等待;等候
talk about 谈论。。。。
play basketball/soccer/ 打篮球/踢足球
take photos 拍照
TV show 电视节目
Some of。。。 。。。中的一些
a photo of my family 我的家庭照
at school 在学校
be with 和。。。一起
in the tree 在树上
(1)-What+be+主语+doing? ….正在做什么?
-主语+be+doing。。。 …正在做某事。
例: -what are you doing?
-I’m doing my homework.
(2)-Thanks for … 为。。。而感谢
例:Thanks for your letter.
(3)-Here are/is…
例:Here are some of my photos.
Here is a photo of my family.
(4)-That sounds good.
(5)-This TV show is boring.
(1)-Do you want to go to the movices? –Sure.
(2)-When do you want to go? –Let’s go at seven.
(3)-Where do people play basketball? –At school.
(4)-What’s he waiting for?-He’s waiting for a bus.
(5)-What’s he reading? He’s reading a newspaper.
I’m watching TV.
They are not playing soccer.
Yes,主语+is/am/are. No,主语+isn’t/aren’t/am not.
Are you reading? Yes,I am. No,I am not.
5) 现在进行时的特殊疑问句形式:
例:What is your brother doing?
6) 动词+ing形式(现在分词)的构成.
如: eat--eating, do—doing,clean—cleaning,
如:run—running,sit—sitting ,swim—swimming.
Shop—shopping. put—putting, sit—sitting
Unit 6 It’s raining!
Around The World 世界各地
On vacation 度假
Take photos 拍照
On the beach 在海边
a group of people 一群人
play beach volleyball 打沙滩排球
be surprised 惊讶的
be surprised at sth./sb.对某人或某人感到惊讶
in this heat 在酷暑中
be relaxed 放松
have a good time 玩得很痛快
in different kind of weather 在不同的天气里
Thank sb for(doing)sth由于(做)某事而感谢某人
How’s it going? 近况如何
Look like..看起来像。。。
(1)-How’s the weather(+地点)? –It’s raining?
(2)-What’s the weather like?—It’s sunny./It’s cold and snowing.
(3)-How’s it going? –Great./Not bad.
(4)Thanks you for joining CCTV’s Around The World show?
(5)-Is Aunt Wang there? –Yes,she is/No,she isn’t
Unit 7 What dose he look like?
look like 看起来像....
curly /short/straight/long hair 卷/短/直发
medium height/build 中等高度/身体
a little bit 一点儿…
a pop singer 一位流行歌手
wear glasses 戴眼镜
have a new look 呈现新面貌
go shopping 去购物
the captain of the basketball team 篮球队队长
Nobody knows me 没有人认识我
1) --What does he look like?
--He’s really short.He has short hair.
2) --She has beautiful,long black hair.
3) --I don’t think he’s so great .
4) --What do you look like? I’m tall.I’m thin.
5) --What do they look like?-
--They are medium height.
6) --She never stops talking.
--Stop doing(sth)表示停止正在干的事.
如:He stop listening
--stop to do (sth)表示停下来去做某事
如:He stops to listen.
7)I can go shopping and nobody knows me.
Unit 8 I’d like some noodles.
would like 想要
a large/medium/small bowl 大碗/中碗/小碗
what size 什么尺寸
orange juice 桔汁
green tea 绿茶
phone number 电话号码
as well as 而且
what kind of 表示….的种类
a kind of 一种…
some kind of 许多种…
a bowl of rice 一碗米饭
a bottle fo orange juice 一瓶桔子汁
three oranges 三个桔子(可数)
a bottle fo orange j 一瓶桔子汁(不可数)
some chicken 一些鸡肉(不可数)
three chickens 三只小鸡(可数)
1)What kind of … would you like? 你想要…?
EG:--What kind of noodles would you like?
--Beef and tomato noodles. please.
2)We have lare ,medium,and small bowls.
3)I like mplings,I don’t lkee noodles.
(1)—Can I help you?
--I’d like some noodles.please.
(2)--what kind of noodles would you like?
--I’d like mutton and potato noodles. Please.
( 3)—Would you like a cup fo green tea?
would like后面还可以跟不定式.即:
A:would like to do.sth.想要做某事.
He would like to see you today.
B:would like sb.to.do.sth.想要某人做某事
What would you like me to do.

Unit 9 How was your weekend?
do one’s homework 做某人的家庭作业
如:do my homework 做我的家庭作业
play +运动或棋类
如:play soccer 踢足球 play chess 下棋
play +乐器 如:play the guitar 弹吉他
go to the movies 去看电影
do some reading 阅读
study for the (math) test 准备(数学)考试
stay at home 呆家里
go to summer camp 去夏令营
go to the mountains 去爬山
visit sb 拜访某人
go shopping 去购物
last month 上个月
three days ago 三天前
yesterday 昨天
look for 寻找
go for a walk 散步
in the morning/afternoon/evening 在早上/在下午/在晚上
play computer games 玩电脑游戏
It was time to do sth 该。。。的时候了
(1)I visited my aunt last weekend.
(2)-- How was your weekend?
--It was great./OK
(3)—It was time to go home.
(1)—What did you do last weekend?
--On Saturday morning,I played teenis.
(2)—How was your weekend?
--It was great.I went to the brach.
(1) 一般情况下在动词词尾加-ed.如:
stay—stayed help—helped visit-visited
(2) 词尾是e的动词加-d.
如:like—liked live—lived
(3) 以一个元音字母加一个辅音结尾的重读闭章节应双写该辅音字母,再加-ed.如:
stop—stopped plan—planned
(4) 以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,要将y改为i再加-ed.如: study—studied worry—worried
(5) 不规则动词的过去
am/is—was are—were have-had
go—went find—found do—did see-saw
Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?
ptetty good 相当好;不错
in the conner 在角落
kind of boring 有点无聊
be lost 迷路
feel happy 感到高兴
be fun 很有趣
on vacation 在度假
Central Park *公园
the Great Wall 长城
the Palace Museum 故宫
Tian’an Men Square 天安门广场
(1)—Where did you go on vacation?
--I went to the breach.
(2)—How was the weather?
--It was hot and humid.
(3)--It was kind of boring
(4)—That made me feel very happy.
(5)--We had great fun playing in the water.
--have great fun doing sth表示“愉快地做某事”,“做某事很有趣”
(6)I helped him find his father.That made me feel very happy.
help sb.(to)do.sth.帮助某人做某事(to可省)
make sb.do.sth. 使某人做某事
let sb.do.sth.
Let me help you carry(搬动) it.
(7)I found a small boy crying in the conner.
find sb.doing sth.发现某人正在做某事。
find sb.do.sth.发现某人做某事(整个过程)
Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?
talk show 谈话节目
soap opera 肥皂剧
sports show 体育节目
game show 比赛节目
think of 认为
how about… …怎么样?=what about…
in fact 事实上
a thirteen-year-old boy 一个十三岁的男孩= The boy is thirteen years old
talk to(with)… 跟 …谈话
thanks for… 为…感谢
each student 每个学生
key ring 钥匙链
baseball cap 棒球帽
the school magazine 校刊
can’t stand 不能忍受
don’t mind 不介意/无所谓/不在乎
(1)—What do you think of situation comedy?
-- I love them
(2)—I asked students about fashion.
(3)—This is what I think.
(4)--I don’t mind what young people think of me!
(5)—Can you please put my letter in next month’s magazine?
(1)—What do you think of suop operas?
--- I love them/I don’t mind them/I can’t stand them/I don’t like.
(2)—How about you? ---I do.too.
(3)--What do you think of …?
--=How do you like…?
如:What do you think of the picture?
=How do you like the picture?
Unit 12 Don’t eat in class.
school rules 学校规章制度
break the rules 违反规章制度
in the hallways 在过道
listen to music 听音乐
in the music room 在音乐教室里
in the dining hall 在餐厅
sports shoes 运动鞋
gym class 体育课
after school 放学后
have to do 不得不做
too many 太多
get up 起床
by ten o’clock 十点之前
make dinner 做饭
the children’s palace 少年宫
(1)—Don’t arrive late for class.
(2)—We can’t listen to music in the hallways,but we can listen to it outside.
(3)—What else do you have to do?
-- We have to clean the classroom.
(4)--Can we wear hats in school?
--Yes,we can/ No,we can’t.
(5)-Do you have to wear a uniform at school?
-Yes,we do /No,we don’t.
如:Be quiet,please.
否定句Don’t + be+表语+其他。
如:Don’t be angry.
Open you books,please.
否定句Don’t +实义动词原形+宾语+其他。
如:Don’t eat in the classroom.
Let me help you.
Let’s go at six o’clock.
Let’ not watch TV.
No smoking! 严禁吸烟!
No talking! 不许交谈!
No passing! 禁止通行!
No parking! 不许停车


热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 01:13

书后有的,在guide to language use里面,主要是现在进行时, 一般将来时,形容词比较级,副词,形容词和副词最高级,一般过去时,还有基本的名词,代词,冠词,数词,形容词,副词,介词,情态动词,There be句型是必会的

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 01:14

Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from?
be from= come from 来自...
pen pal=pen friend 笔友
like and dislike 好恶;爱憎
live in….在...居住
speak English 讲英语
play sports 做体育运动
a little French 一些法语
go to the movies 去看电影
an action movie 一部动作片
on weekends 在周末
Excuse me 对不起,打扰
get to 到达、抵达
beginning of 在...开始的时候
at the end of 在...结束的时候
arrive at /
(1)、Where主 +be+主语+from?
(2)、Where do/does+主语+live?
主语+live/lives in…
(3)、What language do/does +主语+speak?
1-Where is your pen pal from?
-He’s from China.
2-Where does she live?
--She lives in Tokyo.
3-Does she speak English?
-Yes,she does/No,she dosen’t.
4-Is that your new pen pal?
-Yes,he is /No,he isn’t.
5-What language does she speak?
-She speaks English.
Unit 2 Where’s the post office

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 01:14

enjoy doing sth 享受或喜欢做某事
be busy doing sth 忙于做某事
It`s+adj +to do sth . 做......是.....的
try doing 试着做某事
ask sb.to do 叫某人做某事
forget doing 忘记已经做过的事
forget to do 忘记要做某事
remember to do 记得要做某事(还没做过)
remember doing 记得做过的事
let sb do 让某人做某事
make sb do 使某人做某事
like doing sth 喜欢做某事(习惯上的)
start to do sth 开始做某事
start doing sth 开始做某事
finish doing sth 完成....

(一般现在时态)be doing 正在做...
would like to do (表示意愿)
spend......(in) doing sth 花费....做...
look forward to doing sth 期待做某事
want to do sth 想要做某事
decide to do sth 决定...
It takes sb sometime to do sth 花费某人多少时间做...
be going to do sth/will do(一般将来时态)将要做某事
Thank for doing sth 感谢做某事

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 01:15


热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 01:13

Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from?
be from= come from 来自...
pen pal=pen friend 笔友
like and dislike 好恶;爱憎
live in….在...居住
speak English 讲英语
play sports 做体育运动
a little French 一些法语
go to the movies 去看电影
an action movie 一部动作片
on weekends 在周末
Excuse me 对不起,打扰
get to 到达、抵达
beginning of 在...开始的时候
at the end of 在...结束的时候
arrive at /
(1)、Where主 +be+主语+from?
(2)、Where do/does+主语+live?
主语+live/lives in…
(3)、What language do/does +主语+speak?
1-Where is your pen pal from?
-He’s from China.
2-Where does she live?
--She lives in Tokyo.
3-Does she speak English?
-Yes,she does/No,she dosen’t.
4-Is that your new pen pal?
-Yes,he is /No,he isn’t.
5-What language does she speak?
-She speaks English.
Unit 2 Where’s the post office
post office 邮局
pay phone 投币式公用电话
next to 在...隔壁
across from 在...对面
in front of 在...前面
between…and… 在...和...之间
on a street 在街上
in the neighborhood 在附近
on the right/left 在右边/在左边
on one’s right/left 在某人的右边/左边
turn right/left 向右/左转
take a walk 散步
have fun 玩得开心
the way to …去...的路
take a taxi 打的/乘出租车
go down(along)…沿着...走
go through...穿过...
have a good trip 旅途愉快
(1)、Is there a bank near here?
Yes,there is .It’s on Centre Street.
No,there isn’t.
(2)、Where’s the sumpermarket?
It’s next to the library.
(3)、Bridge Street is a good place to have fun.
(4)、I hope you have a good trip.
(5)、If you are hungry,you can buy food in the restaurant.
(6)、Talk a walk though the park..
Do you enoy(=like) your work?
Do you enjoy(=like) living in the city?
(1)、Is there a ….?句型Eg:
-Excuse me.Is there a hotel in the neighborhood.
-Yes, there is. No.there isn’t
(2)、Where is …?句型Eg:
-Where is the park,please?
-It’s behind the bank.(肯定回答)
-I’m sorry I don’t know. (否定回答)
(3)、Which is the way to +地点? 句型.例如:
- Which is the way to the library.
(4)、How can I get to +地点?句型.例如:
-How can I get to the restaurant?
(5)、Can you tell me the way to +地点?句型.例
- Can you tell me the way to the post office?
(6)、Let me tell you the way to my house.
(7)、Just go straight and turn left.

Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?
want to do sth .想要做某事
want sb to do sth 想要某做某事
want sth 想要某物
Let sb do sth 让某人做某事
kind of 有几分\种类
a kind of 一种…
…years old …年龄 如:ten years old 十岁
like to do sth 喜欢做某事
like doing sth
play with … 与...一起玩
be quiet 安静
ring the day 在白天
at night 在夜间
have a look at.. 看...
one…the other 一个...另一个...
(1)、-why do you like pandas?
-Because they’re very cure.
(2)、-Why dose he like koalas?
-Because they are kind of interesting.
(3)、-Where are lions from?
-Lions are from South Africa.
(4)、-What animals do you like?
-I like elephants.
(1)、-Let’s see the lions.
(2)-Why do you want to see the lions?
-Becase they are very cute.
(3)-Do you like giraffes?
Yes,I do./ No,I don’t
(4)-What other animal do you like?
_I like dogs.too
other+ 名词的复数.表示没有特定的数量范围
the other+名词的复数表示有特定的数量范围.

(5)-Why are you looking at me?
-Because you are very cute.
(6)-Let us play games. –Great!
Let me see.
Unit 4 I want to be an actor.
want to be+职业 想要成为。。。
shop assistant 店员
bank clerk 银行职员
work with 与。。。一起工作
work hard 努力工作
work for 为。。。而工作
work as 作为。。而工作
get.. from…从。。。获得。。。
give sth.to.sb /give.sb.sth 把某物给某人
正确的表示:give it/them to sb.
错误的表示:give sb.it/them
in the day 在白天
at night 在夜间
talk to /with 与…讲话
go out to dinners 外出吃饭
in a hospital 在医院
newspaper reporter 报社记者
movie actor 电影演员
(1)-What do/does+某人+do?
例:-What do you do?-I’m a student.
-What dose he do? He’s a teacher.
(2)-What do/does+某人+want to be?
例:What do you want to be?-I want to be a teacher.
-What does she want to be ?She want to be a nuser.
(3)-Where does your sister work?
-She works in a hospital.
(4)-Does he work in the hospiat
Yes.he does/No,he doesn’t
(5)-Does she work late?
-Yes,she does/No.she doesn’t
What do/does …do?
What is…? What is your father?
What’s one’s job?例:What’s your father’s job?

Unit 5 I’m watching TV.
do homework 做家庭作业
watch TV 看电视
eat dinner 吃饭;就餐
clean the room 打扫房间
read newspaper/a book 看报纸/看书
go to the movies 看电影
write a letter 写信
wait for 等待;等候
talk about 谈论。。。。
play basketball/soccer/ 打篮球/踢足球
take photos 拍照
TV show 电视节目
Some of。。。 。。。中的一些
a photo of my family 我的家庭照
at school 在学校
be with 和。。。一起
in the tree 在树上
(1)-What+be+主语+doing? ….正在做什么?
-主语+be+doing。。。 …正在做某事。
例: -what are you doing?
-I’m doing my homework.
(2)-Thanks for … 为。。。而感谢
例:Thanks for your letter.
(3)-Here are/is…
例:Here are some of my photos.
Here is a photo of my family.
(4)-That sounds good.
(5)-This TV show is boring.
(1)-Do you want to go to the movices? –Sure.
(2)-When do you want to go? –Let’s go at seven.
(3)-Where do people play basketball? –At school.
(4)-What’s he waiting for?-He’s waiting for a bus.
(5)-What’s he reading? He’s reading a newspaper.
I’m watching TV.
They are not playing soccer.
Yes,主语+is/am/are. No,主语+isn’t/aren’t/am not.
Are you reading? Yes,I am. No,I am not.
5) 现在进行时的特殊疑问句形式:
例:What is your brother doing?
6) 动词+ing形式(现在分词)的构成.
如: eat--eating, do—doing,clean—cleaning,
如:run—running,sit—sitting ,swim—swimming.
Shop—shopping. put—putting, sit—sitting
Unit 6 It’s raining!
Around The World 世界各地
On vacation 度假
Take photos 拍照
On the beach 在海边
a group of people 一群人
play beach volleyball 打沙滩排球
be surprised 惊讶的
be surprised at sth./sb.对某人或某人感到惊讶
in this heat 在酷暑中
be relaxed 放松
have a good time 玩得很痛快
in different kind of weather 在不同的天气里
Thank sb for(doing)sth由于(做)某事而感谢某人
How’s it going? 近况如何
Look like..看起来像。。。
(1)-How’s the weather(+地点)? –It’s raining?
(2)-What’s the weather like?—It’s sunny./It’s cold and snowing.
(3)-How’s it going? –Great./Not bad.
(4)Thanks you for joining CCTV’s Around The World show?
(5)-Is Aunt Wang there? –Yes,she is/No,she isn’t
Unit 7 What dose he look like?
look like 看起来像....
curly /short/straight/long hair 卷/短/直发
medium height/build 中等高度/身体
a little bit 一点儿…
a pop singer 一位流行歌手
wear glasses 戴眼镜
have a new look 呈现新面貌
go shopping 去购物
the captain of the basketball team 篮球队队长
Nobody knows me 没有人认识我
1) --What does he look like?
--He’s really short.He has short hair.
2) --She has beautiful,long black hair.
3) --I don’t think he’s so great .
4) --What do you look like? I’m tall.I’m thin.
5) --What do they look like?-
--They are medium height.
6) --She never stops talking.
--Stop doing(sth)表示停止正在干的事.
如:He stop listening
--stop to do (sth)表示停下来去做某事
如:He stops to listen.
7)I can go shopping and nobody knows me.
Unit 8 I’d like some noodles.
would like 想要
a large/medium/small bowl 大碗/中碗/小碗
what size 什么尺寸
orange juice 桔汁
green tea 绿茶
phone number 电话号码
as well as 而且
what kind of 表示….的种类
a kind of 一种…
some kind of 许多种…
a bowl of rice 一碗米饭
a bottle fo orange juice 一瓶桔子汁
three oranges 三个桔子(可数)
a bottle fo orange j 一瓶桔子汁(不可数)
some chicken 一些鸡肉(不可数)
three chickens 三只小鸡(可数)
1)What kind of … would you like? 你想要…?
EG:--What kind of noodles would you like?
--Beef and tomato noodles. please.
2)We have lare ,medium,and small bowls.
3)I like mplings,I don’t lkee noodles.
(1)—Can I help you?
--I’d like some noodles.please.
(2)--what kind of noodles would you like?
--I’d like mutton and potato noodles. Please.
( 3)—Would you like a cup fo green tea?
would like后面还可以跟不定式.即:
A:would like to do.sth.想要做某事.
He would like to see you today.
B:would like sb.to.do.sth.想要某人做某事
What would you like me to do.

Unit 9 How was your weekend?
do one’s homework 做某人的家庭作业
如:do my homework 做我的家庭作业
play +运动或棋类
如:play soccer 踢足球 play chess 下棋
play +乐器 如:play the guitar 弹吉他
go to the movies 去看电影
do some reading 阅读
study for the (math) test 准备(数学)考试
stay at home 呆家里
go to summer camp 去夏令营
go to the mountains 去爬山
visit sb 拜访某人
go shopping 去购物
last month 上个月
three days ago 三天前
yesterday 昨天
look for 寻找
go for a walk 散步
in the morning/afternoon/evening 在早上/在下午/在晚上
play computer games 玩电脑游戏
It was time to do sth 该。。。的时候了
(1)I visited my aunt last weekend.
(2)-- How was your weekend?
--It was great./OK
(3)—It was time to go home.
(1)—What did you do last weekend?
--On Saturday morning,I played teenis.
(2)—How was your weekend?
--It was great.I went to the brach.
(1) 一般情况下在动词词尾加-ed.如:
stay—stayed help—helped visit-visited
(2) 词尾是e的动词加-d.
如:like—liked live—lived
(3) 以一个元音字母加一个辅音结尾的重读闭章节应双写该辅音字母,再加-ed.如:
stop—stopped plan—planned
(4) 以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,要将y改为i再加-ed.如: study—studied worry—worried
(5) 不规则动词的过去
am/is—was are—were have-had
go—went find—found do—did see-saw
Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?
ptetty good 相当好;不错
in the conner 在角落
kind of boring 有点无聊
be lost 迷路
feel happy 感到高兴
be fun 很有趣
on vacation 在度假
Central Park *公园
the Great Wall 长城
the Palace Museum 故宫
Tian’an Men Square 天安门广场
(1)—Where did you go on vacation?
--I went to the breach.
(2)—How was the weather?
--It was hot and humid.
(3)--It was kind of boring
(4)—That made me feel very happy.
(5)--We had great fun playing in the water.
--have great fun doing sth表示“愉快地做某事”,“做某事很有趣”
(6)I helped him find his father.That made me feel very happy.
help sb.(to)do.sth.帮助某人做某事(to可省)
make sb.do.sth. 使某人做某事
let sb.do.sth.
Let me help you carry(搬动) it.
(7)I found a small boy crying in the conner.
find sb.doing sth.发现某人正在做某事。
find sb.do.sth.发现某人做某事(整个过程)
Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?
talk show 谈话节目
soap opera 肥皂剧
sports show 体育节目
game show 比赛节目
think of 认为
how about… …怎么样?=what about…
in fact 事实上
a thirteen-year-old boy 一个十三岁的男孩= The boy is thirteen years old
talk to(with)… 跟 …谈话
thanks for… 为…感谢
each student 每个学生
key ring 钥匙链
baseball cap 棒球帽
the school magazine 校刊
can’t stand 不能忍受
don’t mind 不介意/无所谓/不在乎
(1)—What do you think of situation comedy?
-- I love them
(2)—I asked students about fashion.
(3)—This is what I think.
(4)--I don’t mind what young people think of me!
(5)—Can you please put my letter in next month’s magazine?
(1)—What do you think of suop operas?
--- I love them/I don’t mind them/I can’t stand them/I don’t like.
(2)—How about you? ---I do.too.
(3)--What do you think of …?
--=How do you like…?
如:What do you think of the picture?
=How do you like the picture?
Unit 12 Don’t eat in class.
school rules 学校规章制度
break the rules 违反规章制度
in the hallways 在过道
listen to music 听音乐
in the music room 在音乐教室里
in the dining hall 在餐厅
sports shoes 运动鞋
gym class 体育课
after school 放学后
have to do 不得不做
too many 太多
get up 起床
by ten o’clock 十点之前
make dinner 做饭
the children’s palace 少年宫
(1)—Don’t arrive late for class.
(2)—We can’t listen to music in the hallways,but we can listen to it outside.
(3)—What else do you have to do?
-- We have to clean the classroom.
(4)--Can we wear hats in school?
--Yes,we can/ No,we can’t.
(5)-Do you have to wear a uniform at school?
-Yes,we do /No,we don’t.
如:Be quiet,please.
否定句Don’t + be+表语+其他。
如:Don’t be angry.
Open you books,please.
否定句Don’t +实义动词原形+宾语+其他。
如:Don’t eat in the classroom.
Let me help you.
Let’s go at six o’clock.
Let’ not watch TV.
No smoking! 严禁吸烟!
No talking! 不许交谈!
No passing! 禁止通行!
No parking! 不许停车


热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 01:13

书后有的,在guide to language use里面,主要是现在进行时, 一般将来时,形容词比较级,副词,形容词和副词最高级,一般过去时,还有基本的名词,代词,冠词,数词,形容词,副词,介词,情态动词,There be句型是必会的

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 01:14

Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from?
be from= come from 来自...
pen pal=pen friend 笔友
like and dislike 好恶;爱憎
live in….在...居住
speak English 讲英语
play sports 做体育运动
a little French 一些法语
go to the movies 去看电影
an action movie 一部动作片
on weekends 在周末
Excuse me 对不起,打扰
get to 到达、抵达
beginning of 在...开始的时候
at the end of 在...结束的时候
arrive at /
(1)、Where主 +be+主语+from?
(2)、Where do/does+主语+live?
主语+live/lives in…
(3)、What language do/does +主语+speak?
1-Where is your pen pal from?
-He’s from China.
2-Where does she live?
--She lives in Tokyo.
3-Does she speak English?
-Yes,she does/No,she dosen’t.
4-Is that your new pen pal?
-Yes,he is /No,he isn’t.
5-What language does she speak?
-She speaks English.
Unit 2 Where’s the post office

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 01:14

enjoy doing sth 享受或喜欢做某事
be busy doing sth 忙于做某事
It`s+adj +to do sth . 做......是.....的
try doing 试着做某事
ask sb.to do 叫某人做某事
forget doing 忘记已经做过的事
forget to do 忘记要做某事
remember to do 记得要做某事(还没做过)
remember doing 记得做过的事
let sb do 让某人做某事
make sb do 使某人做某事
like doing sth 喜欢做某事(习惯上的)
start to do sth 开始做某事
start doing sth 开始做某事
finish doing sth 完成....

(一般现在时态)be doing 正在做...
would like to do (表示意愿)
spend......(in) doing sth 花费....做...
look forward to doing sth 期待做某事
want to do sth 想要做某事
decide to do sth 决定...
It takes sb sometime to do sth 花费某人多少时间做...
be going to do sth/will do(一般将来时态)将要做某事
Thank for doing sth 感谢做某事

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 01:15


热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 01:13

Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from?
be from= come from 来自...
pen pal=pen friend 笔友
like and dislike 好恶;爱憎
live in….在...居住
speak English 讲英语
play sports 做体育运动
a little French 一些法语
go to the movies 去看电影
an action movie 一部动作片
on weekends 在周末
Excuse me 对不起,打扰
get to 到达、抵达
beginning of 在...开始的时候
at the end of 在...结束的时候
arrive at /
(1)、Where主 +be+主语+from?
(2)、Where do/does+主语+live?
主语+live/lives in…
(3)、What language do/does +主语+speak?
1-Where is your pen pal from?
-He’s from China.
2-Where does she live?
--She lives in Tokyo.
3-Does she speak English?
-Yes,she does/No,she dosen’t.
4-Is that your new pen pal?
-Yes,he is /No,he isn’t.
5-What language does she speak?
-She speaks English.
Unit 2 Where’s the post office
post office 邮局
pay phone 投币式公用电话
next to 在...隔壁
across from 在...对面
in front of 在...前面
between…and… 在...和...之间
on a street 在街上
in the neighborhood 在附近
on the right/left 在右边/在左边
on one’s right/left 在某人的右边/左边
turn right/left 向右/左转
take a walk 散步
have fun 玩得开心
the way to …去...的路
take a taxi 打的/乘出租车
go down(along)…沿着...走
go through...穿过...
have a good trip 旅途愉快
(1)、Is there a bank near here?
Yes,there is .It’s on Centre Street.
No,there isn’t.
(2)、Where’s the sumpermarket?
It’s next to the library.
(3)、Bridge Street is a good place to have fun.
(4)、I hope you have a good trip.
(5)、If you are hungry,you can buy food in the restaurant.
(6)、Talk a walk though the park..
Do you enoy(=like) your work?
Do you enjoy(=like) living in the city?
(1)、Is there a ….?句型Eg:
-Excuse me.Is there a hotel in the neighborhood.
-Yes, there is. No.there isn’t
(2)、Where is …?句型Eg:
-Where is the park,please?
-It’s behind the bank.(肯定回答)
-I’m sorry I don’t know. (否定回答)
(3)、Which is the way to +地点? 句型.例如:
- Which is the way to the library.
(4)、How can I get to +地点?句型.例如:
-How can I get to the restaurant?
(5)、Can you tell me the way to +地点?句型.例
- Can you tell me the way to the post office?
(6)、Let me tell you the way to my house.
(7)、Just go straight and turn left.

Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?
want to do sth .想要做某事
want sb to do sth 想要某做某事
want sth 想要某物
Let sb do sth 让某人做某事
kind of 有几分\种类
a kind of 一种…
…years old …年龄 如:ten years old 十岁
like to do sth 喜欢做某事
like doing sth
play with … 与...一起玩
be quiet 安静
ring the day 在白天
at night 在夜间
have a look at.. 看...
one…the other 一个...另一个...
(1)、-why do you like pandas?
-Because they’re very cure.
(2)、-Why dose he like koalas?
-Because they are kind of interesting.
(3)、-Where are lions from?
-Lions are from South Africa.
(4)、-What animals do you like?
-I like elephants.
(1)、-Let’s see the lions.
(2)-Why do you want to see the lions?
-Becase they are very cute.
(3)-Do you like giraffes?
Yes,I do./ No,I don’t
(4)-What other animal do you like?
_I like dogs.too
other+ 名词的复数.表示没有特定的数量范围
the other+名词的复数表示有特定的数量范围.

(5)-Why are you looking at me?
-Because you are very cute.
(6)-Let us play games. –Great!
Let me see.
Unit 4 I want to be an actor.
want to be+职业 想要成为。。。
shop assistant 店员
bank clerk 银行职员
work with 与。。。一起工作
work hard 努力工作
work for 为。。。而工作
work as 作为。。而工作
get.. from…从。。。获得。。。
give sth.to.sb /give.sb.sth 把某物给某人
正确的表示:give it/them to sb.
错误的表示:give sb.it/them
in the day 在白天
at night 在夜间
talk to /with 与…讲话
go out to dinners 外出吃饭
in a hospital 在医院
newspaper reporter 报社记者
movie actor 电影演员
(1)-What do/does+某人+do?
例:-What do you do?-I’m a student.
-What dose he do? He’s a teacher.
(2)-What do/does+某人+want to be?
例:What do you want to be?-I want to be a teacher.
-What does she want to be ?She want to be a nuser.
(3)-Where does your sister work?
-She works in a hospital.
(4)-Does he work in the hospiat
Yes.he does/No,he doesn’t
(5)-Does she work late?
-Yes,she does/No.she doesn’t
What do/does …do?
What is…? What is your father?
What’s one’s job?例:What’s your father’s job?

Unit 5 I’m watching TV.
do homework 做家庭作业
watch TV 看电视
eat dinner 吃饭;就餐
clean the room 打扫房间
read newspaper/a book 看报纸/看书
go to the movies 看电影
write a letter 写信
wait for 等待;等候
talk about 谈论。。。。
play basketball/soccer/ 打篮球/踢足球
take photos 拍照
TV show 电视节目
Some of。。。 。。。中的一些
a photo of my family 我的家庭照
at school 在学校
be with 和。。。一起
in the tree 在树上
(1)-What+be+主语+doing? ….正在做什么?
-主语+be+doing。。。 …正在做某事。
例: -what are you doing?
-I’m doing my homework.
(2)-Thanks for … 为。。。而感谢
例:Thanks for your letter.
(3)-Here are/is…
例:Here are some of my photos.
Here is a photo of my family.
(4)-That sounds good.
(5)-This TV show is boring.
(1)-Do you want to go to the movices? –Sure.
(2)-When do you want to go? –Let’s go at seven.
(3)-Where do people play basketball? –At school.
(4)-What’s he waiting for?-He’s waiting for a bus.
(5)-What’s he reading? He’s reading a newspaper.
I’m watching TV.
They are not playing soccer.
Yes,主语+is/am/are. No,主语+isn’t/aren’t/am not.
Are you reading? Yes,I am. No,I am not.
5) 现在进行时的特殊疑问句形式:
例:What is your brother doing?
6) 动词+ing形式(现在分词)的构成.
如: eat--eating, do—doing,clean—cleaning,
如:run—running,sit—sitting ,swim—swimming.
Shop—shopping. put—putting, sit—sitting
Unit 6 It’s raining!
Around The World 世界各地
On vacation 度假
Take photos 拍照
On the beach 在海边
a group of people 一群人
play beach volleyball 打沙滩排球
be surprised 惊讶的
be surprised at sth./sb.对某人或某人感到惊讶
in this heat 在酷暑中
be relaxed 放松
have a good time 玩得很痛快
in different kind of weather 在不同的天气里
Thank sb for(doing)sth由于(做)某事而感谢某人
How’s it going? 近况如何
Look like..看起来像。。。
(1)-How’s the weather(+地点)? –It’s raining?
(2)-What’s the weather like?—It’s sunny./It’s cold and snowing.
(3)-How’s it going? –Great./Not bad.
(4)Thanks you for joining CCTV’s Around The World show?
(5)-Is Aunt Wang there? –Yes,she is/No,she isn’t
Unit 7 What dose he look like?
look like 看起来像....
curly /short/straight/long hair 卷/短/直发
medium height/build 中等高度/身体
a little bit 一点儿…
a pop singer 一位流行歌手
wear glasses 戴眼镜
have a new look 呈现新面貌
go shopping 去购物
the captain of the basketball team 篮球队队长
Nobody knows me 没有人认识我
1) --What does he look like?
--He’s really short.He has short hair.
2) --She has beautiful,long black hair.
3) --I don’t think he’s so great .
4) --What do you look like? I’m tall.I’m thin.
5) --What do they look like?-
--They are medium height.
6) --She never stops talking.
--Stop doing(sth)表示停止正在干的事.
如:He stop listening
--stop to do (sth)表示停下来去做某事
如:He stops to listen.
7)I can go shopping and nobody knows me.
Unit 8 I’d like some noodles.
would like 想要
a large/medium/small bowl 大碗/中碗/小碗
what size 什么尺寸
orange juice 桔汁
green tea 绿茶
phone number 电话号码
as well as 而且
what kind of 表示….的种类
a kind of 一种…
some kind of 许多种…
a bowl of rice 一碗米饭
a bottle fo orange juice 一瓶桔子汁
three oranges 三个桔子(可数)
a bottle fo orange j 一瓶桔子汁(不可数)
some chicken 一些鸡肉(不可数)
three chickens 三只小鸡(可数)
1)What kind of … would you like? 你想要…?
EG:--What kind of noodles would you like?
--Beef and tomato noodles. please.
2)We have lare ,medium,and small bowls.
3)I like mplings,I don’t lkee noodles.
(1)—Can I help you?
--I’d like some noodles.please.
(2)--what kind of noodles would you like?
--I’d like mutton and potato noodles. Please.
( 3)—Would you like a cup fo green tea?
would like后面还可以跟不定式.即:
A:would like to do.sth.想要做某事.
He would like to see you today.
B:would like sb.to.do.sth.想要某人做某事
What would you like me to do.

Unit 9 How was your weekend?
do one’s homework 做某人的家庭作业
如:do my homework 做我的家庭作业
play +运动或棋类
如:play soccer 踢足球 play chess 下棋
play +乐器 如:play the guitar 弹吉他
go to the movies 去看电影
do some reading 阅读
study for the (math) test 准备(数学)考试
stay at home 呆家里
go to summer camp 去夏令营
go to the mountains 去爬山
visit sb 拜访某人
go shopping 去购物
last month 上个月
three days ago 三天前
yesterday 昨天
look for 寻找
go for a walk 散步
in the morning/afternoon/evening 在早上/在下午/在晚上
play computer games 玩电脑游戏
It was time to do sth 该。。。的时候了
(1)I visited my aunt last weekend.
(2)-- How was your weekend?
--It was great./OK
(3)—It was time to go home.
(1)—What did you do last weekend?
--On Saturday morning,I played teenis.
(2)—How was your weekend?
--It was great.I went to the brach.
(1) 一般情况下在动词词尾加-ed.如:
stay—stayed help—helped visit-visited
(2) 词尾是e的动词加-d.
如:like—liked live—lived
(3) 以一个元音字母加一个辅音结尾的重读闭章节应双写该辅音字母,再加-ed.如:
stop—stopped plan—planned
(4) 以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,要将y改为i再加-ed.如: study—studied worry—worried
(5) 不规则动词的过去
am/is—was are—were have-had
go—went find—found do—did see-saw
Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?
ptetty good 相当好;不错
in the conner 在角落
kind of boring 有点无聊
be lost 迷路
feel happy 感到高兴
be fun 很有趣
on vacation 在度假
Central Park *公园
the Great Wall 长城
the Palace Museum 故宫
Tian’an Men Square 天安门广场
(1)—Where did you go on vacation?
--I went to the breach.
(2)—How was the weather?
--It was hot and humid.
(3)--It was kind of boring
(4)—That made me feel very happy.
(5)--We had great fun playing in the water.
--have great fun doing sth表示“愉快地做某事”,“做某事很有趣”
(6)I helped him find his father.That made me feel very happy.
help sb.(to)do.sth.帮助某人做某事(to可省)
make sb.do.sth. 使某人做某事
let sb.do.sth.
Let me help you carry(搬动) it.
(7)I found a small boy crying in the conner.
find sb.doing sth.发现某人正在做某事。
find sb.do.sth.发现某人做某事(整个过程)
Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?
talk show 谈话节目
soap opera 肥皂剧
sports show 体育节目
game show 比赛节目
think of 认为
how about… …怎么样?=what about…
in fact 事实上
a thirteen-year-old boy 一个十三岁的男孩= The boy is thirteen years old
talk to(with)… 跟 …谈话
thanks for… 为…感谢
each student 每个学生
key ring 钥匙链
baseball cap 棒球帽
the school magazine 校刊
can’t stand 不能忍受
don’t mind 不介意/无所谓/不在乎
(1)—What do you think of situation comedy?
-- I love them
(2)—I asked students about fashion.
(3)—This is what I think.
(4)--I don’t mind what young people think of me!
(5)—Can you please put my letter in next month’s magazine?
(1)—What do you think of suop operas?
--- I love them/I don’t mind them/I can’t stand them/I don’t like.
(2)—How about you? ---I do.too.
(3)--What do you think of …?
--=How do you like…?
如:What do you think of the picture?
=How do you like the picture?
Unit 12 Don’t eat in class.
school rules 学校规章制度
break the rules 违反规章制度
in the hallways 在过道
listen to music 听音乐
in the music room 在音乐教室里
in the dining hall 在餐厅
sports shoes 运动鞋
gym class 体育课
after school 放学后
have to do 不得不做
too many 太多
get up 起床
by ten o’clock 十点之前
make dinner 做饭
the children’s palace 少年宫
(1)—Don’t arrive late for class.
(2)—We can’t listen to music in the hallways,but we can listen to it outside.
(3)—What else do you have to do?
-- We have to clean the classroom.
(4)--Can we wear hats in school?
--Yes,we can/ No,we can’t.
(5)-Do you have to wear a uniform at school?
-Yes,we do /No,we don’t.
如:Be quiet,please.
否定句Don’t + be+表语+其他。
如:Don’t be angry.
Open you books,please.
否定句Don’t +实义动词原形+宾语+其他。
如:Don’t eat in the classroom.
Let me help you.
Let’s go at six o’clock.
Let’ not watch TV.
No smoking! 严禁吸烟!
No talking! 不许交谈!
No passing! 禁止通行!
No parking! 不许停车


热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 01:13

书后有的,在guide to language use里面,主要是现在进行时, 一般将来时,形容词比较级,副词,形容词和副词最高级,一般过去时,还有基本的名词,代词,冠词,数词,形容词,副词,介词,情态动词,There be句型是必会的

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 01:14

Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from?
be from= come from 来自...
pen pal=pen friend 笔友
like and dislike 好恶;爱憎
live in….在...居住
speak English 讲英语
play sports 做体育运动
a little French 一些法语
go to the movies 去看电影
an action movie 一部动作片
on weekends 在周末
Excuse me 对不起,打扰
get to 到达、抵达
beginning of 在...开始的时候
at the end of 在...结束的时候
arrive at /
(1)、Where主 +be+主语+from?
(2)、Where do/does+主语+live?
主语+live/lives in…
(3)、What language do/does +主语+speak?
1-Where is your pen pal from?
-He’s from China.
2-Where does she live?
--She lives in Tokyo.
3-Does she speak English?
-Yes,she does/No,she dosen’t.
4-Is that your new pen pal?
-Yes,he is /No,he isn’t.
5-What language does she speak?
-She speaks English.
Unit 2 Where’s the post office

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 01:14

enjoy doing sth 享受或喜欢做某事
be busy doing sth 忙于做某事
It`s+adj +to do sth . 做......是.....的
try doing 试着做某事
ask sb.to do 叫某人做某事
forget doing 忘记已经做过的事
forget to do 忘记要做某事
remember to do 记得要做某事(还没做过)
remember doing 记得做过的事
let sb do 让某人做某事
make sb do 使某人做某事
like doing sth 喜欢做某事(习惯上的)
start to do sth 开始做某事
start doing sth 开始做某事
finish doing sth 完成....

(一般现在时态)be doing 正在做...
would like to do (表示意愿)
spend......(in) doing sth 花费....做...
look forward to doing sth 期待做某事
want to do sth 想要做某事
decide to do sth 决定...
It takes sb sometime to do sth 花费某人多少时间做...
be going to do sth/will do(一般将来时态)将要做某事
Thank for doing sth 感谢做某事

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 01:15


1. 介词:in, on, under, behind, near, at, of 1). in表示"在……中", "在……内"。例如:in our class 在我们班上 in my bag 在我的书包里 in the desk 在桌子里 in the classroom 在教室里 2). on 表示"在……上"。例如:on the wall 在墙上 on the desk 在桌子上 on ...




first, second, third; fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth; seventh, tenth, thirteenth, hundredth; twenty-twentieth, forty-fortieth, ninety-ninetieth二、七年级英语语法——句式1.陈述句肯定陈述句 a) This is a book. (be动词)b) He looks very young. (连系动词)c) I want a sweat like this. (实...


一.短语 1. look like 看起来像. 2. curly /short/straight/long hair 卷/短/直发 3. medium height/build 中等高度/身体 4. a little bit 一点儿…5. a pop singer 一位流行歌手 6 .have a new look 呈现新面貌 7. go shopping (do some shopping) 去购物 8. the captain of th...


初一下学期英语语法总结(2009-08-04 13:07:10)分类:英语学习Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from?一.短语:1.be from = come from 来自于---2. live in 居住在---3. on weekends 在周末4.write to sb = write a letter to sb 给某人写信;写信给某人5.in the world 在世界上 in China 在中国...


1 . Could you … ? (你 / 你们……好吗?)句型多用来表示请求,这里的 could 比 can 语气更加委婉、客气和有礼貌,肯定回答多为:OK / All right ! / Certainly ! / Of course . 否定回答常是:Sorry , I / we can’t . (不用couldn’t )。如:—Could you lend me your ...


七年级下册英语语法点总结分类:英语学习Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from?一.短语:1.be from = come from 来自于---2. live in 居住在---3. on weekends 在周末4.write to sb = write a letter to sb 给某人写信;写信给某人5.in the world 在世界上 in China 在中国6.pen pal 笔友 14 years...


1. —Thanks very much!—You're welcome.2. Put it/them away.3. What's wrong?4. I think so.I don't think so.5. I want to take some books to the classroom.6. Give me a bottle of orange juice, please.Please give it / them back tomorrow. OK.9. What's your ...


初中英语八种时态归纳复习 1.一般现在时:主语+do/does(现在分词) We clean the room every day.一般现在时:do(n't)/does(n't)2.一般过去时:主语+did We cleaned the room just now.一般过去式:did(n't)+V.原 3.现在进行时:主语+am/is/are doing We are cleaning the room now.现在...


七年级下册英语语法点总结(1) 分类:英语学习Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from?一.短语:1.be from = come from 来自于---2. live in 居住在---3. on weekends 在周末4.write to sb = write a letter to sb 给某人写信;写信给某人5.in the world 在世界上 in China 在中国6.pen pal 笔友 14...

英语人教版七下语法 人教版英语七下语法总结归纳 七年级下册英语语法归纳 七年级下册所有语法 初一下册人教版英语重点语法 人教版初一下英语语法知识点 英语笔记初一下册人教版语法 七年级下册常用语法 七年级下册英语单词语法
猫咪丢了之后心里很难过,然后男友担心我就重新去领养了一只小花猫,可是... 有关名侦探柯南黑暗组织!! qq上删除的好友怎么找回来,六个月以上的。只要能找到QQ号就行,我可以... 六个月内删掉的qq好友能找回吗? 急!!因欠费而停机的手机能收到短信吗 手机关机之后停机信息是否可以收到 手机欠费后冲了钱但还是欠费会收到短信吗 手机停机了,包月的流量没用完,能收到微信吗? 德州到潍坊用不用隔离? 南都周刊2011年有一篇社论≪躺在时间的河流上怀念他们≫写得很棒... 人教版七年级(下学期)英语重点(期末考试可能考到的) 初一英语下册(人民教育出版社)重点语法。。。 人教版七年级下册英语复习提纲 手机视频解析异常怎么回事? 初一下册英语知识点新人教版 CAD怎么画实线? 怎么用自己照片制作视频 全自动洗衣机不进水是什么原因 WIFI上网很卡是怎么回事,一顿一顿的,一会 全自动洗衣机不进水是怎么回事,是什么地方坏掉了? 全自动洗衣机进水口进不了水了怎么办 WIFI突然很卡是怎么回事?怎么解决? 联通5G网络的速率有多少? 文件解压密码是什么啊? 压缩文件有密码怎么破解 洗衣机进不了水怎么办 全自动洗衣机保养方法 现在5g速率有哪些呢? 解压文件有密码怎么办 联通5G速率是多少? 洗衣机进不了水怎么修? 初一下册英语人教版语法知识点 例:be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事? 人教版初一下册英语期末重点 初一下人教版英语第三单元语法重点 求人教版七年级英语下册知识语法总结 人教版七年级下册英语第八单元所有知识点,语言点 快 人教版初一到初二英语书上的主要语法和知识点 降落伞的绳子数目一般是多少 跳伞一般危险性有多高 用手机上传视频到QQ空间,显示解析文件失败错误-1100是怎么回事?该怎么解决? 电脑企业微信会议怎么连接电视播放 滴滴怎么付款到司机 网络约车怎么操作啊,怎么给司机付钱, 说明按照短期借款期末余额的0.2%计提短期借款利息的计算公式含义? 期末计提短期借款利息时,应借记的账户是( )。 会计用友里面的金额公式,就是计提短期借款利息? 期末计提短期借款利息时,贷记账户是( )。 企业计提短期借款的利息时借方计入的会计科目是 月底计提本月银行短期借款利息3000。会计分录怎么做? 计提利息分录 预提本月应负担的短期借款利息800元. 会计分录怎么写?