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Come Out And Play (Lp Version) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-09 21:00



热心网友 时间:2024-11-10 06:52

歌曲名:Come Out And Play (Lp Version)
歌手:Twisted Sister
专辑:Rhino Hi-Five: Twisted Sister

You gotta keep 'em separated
Like the latest fashion
Like a spreading disease
The kids are strappin' on their way to the classroom
Getting weapons with the greatest of ease
The gangs stake their own campus locales
And if they catch you slippin' then it's all over pal
If one guy's colors and the other's don't mix
They're gonna bash it up
Hey man you talkin' back to me?
Take him out
You gotta keep 'em separated
Hey man you disrespecting me?
Take him out
You gotta keep 'em separated
Hey they don't pay no mind
If you're under 18 you won't be doing any time
Hey come out and play
By the time you hear the siren
It's already too late
One goes to the morgue and the other to jail
One guy's wasted and the other's a waste
It goes down the same as a thousand before
No one's getting smarter
No one's learning the score
Your never ending spree of death a violence and hate
Is gonna tie your own rope

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