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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-09 05:08



热心网友 时间:2024-01-17 17:59

In the field of art and design, the new trend of foreign influx and infiltration, Yaozhuo with our values and aesthetics together with the international pop dynamic forward. Decorative vanity inflated into a new style of formalism Jewelry fashion the various elements into the design of their works, to make it more international, with international fashion trend. Clothing and jewelry are closely related to the epidemic and how to understand the jewelry and clothing of the relationship between? How do they make a perfect match? Costume design from the drawing elements? The "international style" trend, creating a wide range of design trend, a new generation of designers who are facing the question.
Costumes! Costumes! "Service" and "decoration" was inseparable, and now a trend of gems and jewelry directly sewn on their clothing, or are wearing clothing or jewelry is part of the jewelry as a form of material. Do landscaping costumes, jack up the prices of clothing, has also increased the demand for jewelry, Now I need to study is whether the jewelry design from the Fashion Design learned what? Be what? Costume designer clothing concept, design structure, There accessories inspired by pop-up choice Association of direct and indirect jewelry designers to give tips because we in the same era, shared the same fashion culture, sharing the same fashion ideas, and art and design. They always interlinked. And clothing and jewelery they are complementary. From two different instries understand the common thinking.
Major Keywords : wearing apparel design concept trendy jewelry design

热心网友 时间:2024-01-17 17:59

In the field of art and design, the new trend of foreign influx and infiltration, Yaozhuo with our values and aesthetics together with the international pop dynamic forward. Decorative vanity inflated into a new style of formalism Jewelry fashion the various elements into the design of their works, to make it more international, with international fashion trend. Clothing and jewelry are closely related to the epidemic and how to understand the jewelry and clothing of the relationship between? How do they make a perfect match? Costume design from the drawing elements? The "international style" trend, creating a wide range of design trend, a new generation of designers who are facing the question. Costumes! Costumes! "Service" and "decoration" was inseparable, and now a trend of gems and jewelry directly sewn on their clothing, or are wearing clothing or jewelry is part of the jewelry as a form of material. Do landscaping costumes, jack up the prices of clothing, has also increased the demand for jewelry, Now I need to study is whether the jewelry design from the Fashion Design learned what? Be what? Costume designer clothing concept, design structure, There accessories inspired by pop-up choice Association of direct and indirect jewelry designers to give tips because we in the same era, shared the same fashion culture, sharing the same fashion ideas, and art and design. They always interlinked. And clothing and jewelery they are complementary. From two different instries understand the common ideological
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