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发布网友 发布时间:2023-02-10 07:49



热心网友 时间:2023-05-04 23:55

【 70 flavor pearl pill compositions of the gold 诃】 pearl, nine eye stones, west red flowers, sandalwoods, lilacs, remainings party of the sweet son, strawberry, high mountains three, licorice, cow Huang, musk...etc.70 flavors.
【 Sex form 】 this article is a black pill of water;Spirit fragrance, the flavor is sweet, 涩 , bitterness.
【 The function lord cure 】 tranquilize the nerves, the town is quiet, through limber up, temper to annoy the blood and come to the brain to begin to understand.Used for" the black and white vein disease"," the dragon blood" and don't adjust;Suffer a stroke, paralyze, half-paralyzed, epilepsy, apoplexy, concussion of brain, heart attack, high blood pressure and nerve obstacle.
【 The method of using dosage 】 take orally, the heavy disease an one pill;The one who did not get sick separates one pill of 3-7 days each time.Grind tablet behind to soak in in just the right amount of boiled water or the highland barley wine, the tomorrow mixs evenly the blunt with the small 勺 before down.
【 Regulation 】 forbid to use old, acidity food.
【 Specification 】 6 pills of one gram/ pill x
【 Store 】 seal completely
【 Term of validity 】 three years half
【 Precise word of the country medicine 】 Z54020062
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