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Time (Album Version) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-02-08 08:20



热心网友 时间:2024-02-14 07:42

歌曲名:Time (Album Version)
歌手:Cute Is What We Aim For

Cute Is What We Aim For
for the girl I met today afternoon(6.26.08)
Oh, oh...
The roads are wrapped around your waist
They lead me place to place
I take trips from hip to hip
In fact, I've made a career of it
I always thought the left was your strongest side
But when it comes to you, I can't decide
It's only a matter of time
I need the proct of your fears
In the form of tears
It's the only way I can survive
It breaks my heart to see you cry
And baby, it's the only way I stay alive
Green eyes, blue skies
Natural disasters when she cries
Green eyes, they're mine
It's only a matter of time
Like the chimate
You never know what weather you'll get
No denying you're the habit that I can't quit
It's only a matter of,mine
I need the proct of your fears
In the form of tears
It's the only way I can survive
It breaks my heart to see you cry
And baby,it's the only way I stay alive
Green eyes,blue skies
Natural disasters when she cries
Green eyes, they're mine
It's only a matter of time
It's only a matter of time
You're tainted, I'm shaking
I hope you turn around in time
Tide's changing, I'm waiting
You and I are one of a kind(You're changing)
I've been a both of our fears
Over my sore ears
I still can't pick my favorite place(don't make me)
The contour of your lips
They match your continents
And I still love the way that you taste
I need the proct of your fears
In the form of tears
It's the only way I can survive
It breaks my heart to see you cry
And baby, it's the only way I stay alive
(stay alive)
Green eyes, blue skies
Natural disasters when she cries
Green eyes, they're mine
It's only a matter of time
(only a matter of time)
It's only a matter of time

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