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New York City (Lp Version) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-02-08 17:46



热心网友 时间:2023-01-23 13:00

歌曲名:New York City (Lp Version)
歌手:They Might Be Giants
专辑:Factory Showroom

New York city New York city New York city
Hey girl let me take you down to the place
Play girl put a smile on your pretty face
Hey girl from Chicago to London town
Good tight is a new stand of mine
Baby let this thing of my cast just behind
This is a place to be
New York City
Come on now
Let's come to the place where the boys are pretty
New York city New York city
If you want the best come to
New York city New York city
Come on now
Let's go to the place where the girls are pretty
New York city New York city
If you want the best come to
New York city New York city
Come on now
New York city New York city New York city
Hey you let us walking in the central park
Hey you, you should not walk inside when it's dark
Baby if you come you'll be having fun
People of all nations all around
Knocking when your ordain kick you when you down
This is a place to be
New York city
Come on now
Let's come to the place where the boys are pretty
New York city New York city
If you want the best come to
New York city New York city
Come on now
Let's go to the place where the girls are pretty
New York city New York city
If you want the best come to
New York city New York city
Come on now
The clock keeps turning
Don't hesitate
You set it fool
You can't change your faith
Can you feel it
Can you feel it
Can you feel it
Can you feel it
Let's come to the place where the boys are pretty
New York city New York city
If you want the best come to
New York city New York city
Come on now
Let's go to the place where the girls are pretty
New York city New York city
If you want the best come to
New York city New York city
Come on now
Let's come to the place where the boys are pretty
New York city New York city
If you want the best come to
New York city New York city
Come on now

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